The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 1994 The bosses are all vying to be my dad (56)

Gong Qi wants to show his paternal love.

But Ruan Tang is not easy to fool.

She immediately said: "But since Dad has such a big house to live in, why does he still say that he has no place to go and still sleeps at home, on such a small sofa?"

Gong Qi: "..."

Oops, I forgot how smart my daughter is.

He laughed dryly, and when he looked up again, his expression had already settled down: "That's because Dad is lonely, Dad is afraid alone."

"Oh? Is there a monster watching Dad, so Dad couldn't fall asleep in fear, just like the time he couldn't sleep and asked me to sing?" Ruan Tang's memory is very good.

As soon as she finished speaking, Gong Qi's expression froze slightly, and his expression became even more amusing immediately.

How could the baby still remember things that he had already forgotten?

Does a five-year-old have such a good memory? Nothing else, why remember his embarrassing things so clearly!

Once she grows up, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to know that he was not too scared to sleep because of a monster, but because he went to the hospital?

"Father, don't be afraid, you are not alone, you still have me and my mother and uncle!" Ruan Tang hugged his neck and said softly, "We are also a family."

Gong Qi: "..."

Suddenly his eyes became sore.

The more I get to know the Ruan Yao sisters and brothers, the more sad and angry I feel about their experiences, and I want to do something for them.

In the same way, he also understood more and more how the siblings felt towards Ruan Tang.

She is not only Ruan Yao's daughter, but the little niece Ruan Yao has grown up with, she is also their pistachio, their sunshine, and their hope!

No matter how many grievances and setbacks they suffer outside, no matter how much hatred and darkness they have in their hearts, whenever they see Ruan Tang, they can always gain a warm heart, a comfort, and a piece of happiness.

As soon as Ruan Tang's ginseng chicken soup came out, Gong Qi was moved, and now he decided not to lie to Ruan Yao and the others by pretending to be a homeless little pity.

Of course there is no poor homeless little guy who goes out to work as a special plane, drives a luxury car and lives in a big villa with a few bodyguards, and Ruan Yao and his brother are not mentally retarded enough to believe that he has nothing.

But honesty is an important part of human interaction.

It's not his fault that he is rich, powerful, and well-born. Apart from these obvious characteristics, there are still many shining points in him that are worth discovering slowly!


At the same time, Ruan Yao, who had just played a guest role, also received a call from Sister Han.

Hearing that Han Chun asked her to audition for a female supporting role, Ruan Yao was both surprised and shocked.

She hasn't had a job for a long time.

And because she has been teased too many times, Ruan Yao still maintains a high level of vigilance in her heart.

She asked Han Chunduo to find out whether this so-called audition invitation really valued her acting skills or was a fake invitation to humiliate her in front of many judges and artists.

If it is the second type, someone arranged by Gu Yuan to deliberately tease her, then forget it, and don't answer it for now.

Han Chun was very happy to have a new job. The artist she brought and her benefactor were finally about to change their luck.

But after hearing Ruan Yao's concerns, her joy soon dissipated.

That's right.

Gu Yuan has always acted decisively, can she tolerate Ruan Yao taking a positive role? Can you watch her join the big crew?

Obviously impossible.

This matter really needs to be investigated carefully, not to mention that Gu Yuan has dug a hole and waited for them to jump into it.

Not long after talking with Han Chun, Qiu Hao called again.

They have contacted by phone several times and exchanged cooking skills, but most of the time it is the children who are talking.

Ruan Yao thought that Qiu Hao was looking for Ruan Tang, but Qiu Hao brought another piece of news that surprised her or many people.

Qiu Tianhou is going to invite their family to be her special guests at her concert, and let her sing with her on the same stage!

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