The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2028 The bosses are all vying to be my dad (90)

Fu Ran first scolded and humiliated the servant, and dared to touch her without looking in the mirror regardless of her identity.

On weekdays, Fu Ran has a bit of an arrogant temper, but she has never shown any discrimination and rudeness towards her servants in front of others. Today, she was stopped from seeing Gu Yuan, and she and Gu Yuan are closest, so she suddenly became unhappy .

The servants are used to Gu Yuan's temper, and they are not so uncomfortable psychologically. Normally, they would not and would not dare to argue with Fu Ran. After all, Fu Ran is still the lady of the Fu family, regardless of the old Mr. and Mrs. In addition to the three great Buddhas who must not be messed with, the eldest and young master, there is also a mother who is used to using tricks.

Gu Yuan loves to hold grudges, but also loves to calculate, she will be fired if she is not sure when to accuse her, so they never do stupid things.

But today is different.

They also read the news on the Internet, knowing that the old lady and the old gentleman are extremely dissatisfied with Gu Yuan, and this is a good time to take revenge.

The person who was scolded by Fu Ran was an old man who had worked in Fu's family for decades, and his expression changed slightly, revealing a look of humiliation but helplessness.

Seeing the pretense, the others followed suit.

If you can take this opportunity to let the old gentleman and old lady teach Gu Yuan and Fu Ran a good lesson, the grievance and humiliation Yixue and the others have suffered in the past ten years will be worth it!

When Mrs. Fu saw it, her expression became more serious: "Ranran, this is how you treat the people who take care of you?"

When Fu Ran heard this, she was angry and wronged: "Grandma, what kind of people do they take care of me? They eat our food, live in our food, and use our food. Isn't it their job to serve me? Why should I look after them?" face?"

The servants showed bitter expressions, and even the housekeeper who had the most right to speak pursed his lips.

There is nothing wrong with doing things with a salary.

But they did their duty well, and the host family never picked their thorns, saying that they did not do a good job.

In this way, they still have to pay for Fu Ran's arrogance, domineering and unreasonable troubles. Who can have no resentment in serving this young lady who is always yin and yang and bosses everyone around and treats them as slaves?

"It's outrageous!" Mr. Fu's neutral voice sounded, and the atmosphere in the whole hall changed instantly.

Fu Ran was also scared and took a step back trembling.

She had seen Grandpa angry before.

A few years ago, I didn’t know what my aunt said to my grandparents after returning home, so my grandpa called my father back home, and I don’t know how many times I beat my father with a cane. Picked up by ambulance.

Grandpa can even beat Dad, let alone her!

Fu Ran didn't dare to speak any more.

"Since you want to see your mother so much, then from today on, you can live with your mother." Mr. Fu said.

They have raised two children for ten years. One, like his aunt, is upright and kind.

One just lived with her mother for a few days every month, and became like her mother.

Selfish, narrow-minded, vicious and jealous, double-faced...

All the characteristics of her mother were taught to her.

If it continues, it's hard to guarantee that it won't raise a greedy, selfish, ungrateful, cruel and cruel white-eyed wolf like her mother!

Fu Ran didn't understand Mr. Fu's off-screen voice, but Gu Yuan, who had just come in from the outside, instantly turned pale with fright.

What do you mean, let Ranran follow her?

Are they going to force her to divorce Ah Jue, not even her own granddaughter?

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