The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2062 Long Aotian's Terminator (24)

Ruan Tang was playing with the little system, and another lady who bought snacks stood up on the street.

She recognized at a glance that the person who spoke ill of the city lord, his wife, and the eldest lady was someone she had helped before, and her mood immediately became bad.

"Girl, if I remember correctly, my old man and I gave you and your sister some food and silver the day before yesterday, and asked if you would like to stay?"

As soon as the aunt's words came out, Yan Sisi's expression also changed.

She didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

When everyone saw Yan Sisi's reaction, they knew that what the aunt said was true, and those who had some sympathy for Yan Sisi also changed their minds.

This aunt is well-known as a kind-hearted person. The children of the old couple are doing business with the city lord's mansion all year round. There are only two old fathers in the family. That said, it must be true.

"Girl, you have to speak with conscience. We Tangcheng people are able to have a good life today, thanks to the City Lord's Mansion. The reason why I have extra food and money to help you is because my son and daughter-in-law work with the City Lord's Mansion. You can't enjoy the benefits of Tang City and turn around and scold the City Lord's Mansion, calling us people from Tang City!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she looked at Ruan Tang with concern: "Miss, don't be sad, we all remember the merits of the city lord and his wife."

People from Tangcheng are not those unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!

When Yan Sisi heard what the aunt said, her complexion became even uglier.

Is this aunt who helped them turn out to be a loyal supporter of the City Lord's Mansion?

"Ma'am, I..."

She wanted to argue, but the aunt didn't listen.

Ruan Tang, on the other hand, held Auntie's hand and said with a smile: "Auntie, I know the wishes of the people in the city, and so do my parents. Even though the City Lord's Mansion has contributed to the stability and prosperity of our Tang City, if there is no cooperation from the people, It is also very difficult to do, so ah, the biggest contributors are our common people!"

Miss Ruan loves to play, but she is kind.

This is something that everyone in Tangcheng knows.

Now Ruan Tang's words have increased the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion by several levels.

Yan Sisi wanted to speak, but couldn't get in at all.

Because other people, like the aunt, began to sing praises, talked about the ability and responsibility of the city lord's mansion, and also talked about their own contributions to the prosperity of Tangcheng!

A Yun was stunned.

After her family's decline, she traveled to many places with her father, and she has never seen a story like Tangcheng where the nobles and the common people went hand in hand in harmony.

It would be great if they could also stay in Tang City.

There was a hint of envy in Ayun's eyes, but Yan Sisi was not so relieved.

She only felt great embarrassment.

From entering Tang City with Long Yutian, being ignored by those high-ranking people in the city lord's mansion, and being miserable with no food and nowhere to go after leaving the city lord's mansion, now he is beaten in the face in the street and regarded as a bad person by everyone ...

Some people are born in the clouds, should she be trampled underfoot in the mud?

The more Yan Sisi thought about it, the more unwilling she became, and the more she thought about it, the more resentful she became.

She took a deep look at Ruan Tang who was surrounded by guards and common people, and a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes.

After that, he didn't say anything, turned around and left.

One day, she will let the people in the cloud kneel at her feet like dogs!

"Sister Yan, tell me..." Ayun wanted to ask if he could stay in Tangcheng, but when he turned around, he found that Yan Sisi had already left.

She was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had to wait for Mr. Long, so she hurriedly chased after him.

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