The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2327 Rebirth of the heroine's vicious stepsister (81)

Wei Qi was still fighting with the Xue family, as if he wanted to compare himself with Xue Helian. Everyone in the Xue family felt like they had eaten flies, because Zhao Meng would be miserable for eight lifetimes if he provoked such a plague god.

Xue Helian felt the deepest.

He still liked Zhao Meng in his heart, but he couldn't accept her mentally.

And because Zhao Meng caused the entire Xue family to be in a passive state, being attacked by Wei Qi and being attacked by other business opponents, he didn't even have the face to return home.

The struggle between Wei Qi and the Xue family has always been on the surface. He asked his secretary to call Zhao Meng every day to report the battle between the Wei family and the Xue family, and finally asked Zhao Meng who is stronger, he or Xue Helian some.

When Zhao Meng was reborn, she naturally felt that Xue Helian was good everywhere, but now Xue Helian has become her nightmare just like Wei Qi.

She sometimes wondered why Xue Helian was still alive and why he didn't die. If Xue Helian died, Wei Qi would not ask her such words again, and she would not have to be terrified and regret her whole life.

Although Wei Qi doesn't restrict her freedom now, she doesn't want to go anywhere.

Even the school exams were skipped, and he stayed at Wei Qi's place in a daze and fear, bearing the pain of being tortured by Wei Qi in his previous life alone.

At this time, Ruan Tang had just finished the final exam and was on winter vacation. Some people had already gone home, and some students who had to take various exams and postgraduate entrance examinations were still in school.

Although Ruan Tang returned home, he still has to go to school in his spare time to help teachers proofread and review the books they are writing, consolidate knowledge and broaden horizons, which is also an improvement for Ruan Tang.

And teachers will also give corresponding rewards.

It's obviously a win-win situation, but Gu Yuan's resentment is not as deep as usual.

Originally, he thought that Ruan Tang would be able to see her as soon as he came home after the winter vacation, and he could live a good life together, but Ruan Tang was called to work as a coolie again.

He ran to the school more than once to find a teacher. There are so many students in the Chinese Department and so many single dogs. If you catch any one, you will be a great talent. Why did you catch Ruan Tang, meddle in other people's feelings, and take up other people's love time? , It is devoid of conscience and inhumane!

The teachers said, scold them.

Anyway, who is as good as Ruan Tang?

Ruan Tang is smart, quick to learn, careful, quick to do things, one person can do the work of several people, she can notice the details that others can't notice, and the things that have been proofread by her don't need to be reviewed again, so that A useful talent, why don't they use it?

Of course, Ruan Tang's vacation time was squeezed, and of course she had to pay her a high salary and corresponding compensation.

Salary is only one aspect. Teachers at this age have a lot of contacts, and then they introduced Ruan Tang to some of their old friends, so that they can use their strengths to guide Ruan Tang.

Gu Yuan often complained.

As far as really interfering and obstructing this matter, I have never done it. On the contrary, once I have spare time, I will go to the school to help.

Everyone in the Gu family knew that Gu Yuan and Ruan Tang were in a relationship, and had seen Ruan Tang from a distance. Everyone was very satisfied with Ruan Tang, but very dissatisfied with Gu Yuan.

You only tell Gu Kun when you are in love, and only Gu Kun sees your parents, so what are they elders? Was he expelled from Gu's family tree or expelled?

This point, Gu Yuan did too incompletely.

The Gu family had a deep resentment towards Gu Yuan, and after talking about it for several months, they finally persuaded Gu Yuan.

At the end of the year, Gu Yuan brought Ruan Tang back home.

It was a real meeting with parents.

The update has been working hard, you have to vote for it ^-^

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