The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2365 Dressed as a cousin who was eaten out of households (27)

When talking about the fate of the two sisters, Ruan Yun's face was full of joy, but it didn't reach his eyes.

Ruan Tang knew that he still had hatred in his heart, and he had a lot of regrets for not being able to personally avenge the original owner, but it didn't matter, there would be more opportunities in the future.

Song Jinxiu has a plant-type ability. Although it is not comparable to the healing type, once the plants she spawns can heal wounds, it won't take long for her wounds to heal.

And Song Jinyue has a spiritual spring, which itself has a strange effect, which can cleanse the marrow and renew the bone, and prolong life.

King Jin was attracted to Song Jinyue, and he was so devoted to her, the contribution of Lingquan was indispensable. This also showed that Song Jinyue was very aware of the efficacy of Lingquan, so he would naturally heal her.

It's just that they were hit by twenty boards and fell into the water. As long as there is still a breath, the two of them will be fine.

They are important characters, and the story can only continue if they survive.

Ruan Yun didn't know these secrets, but she also thought that Song Jinxiu and Song Jinyue would retaliate, and the Duke of Wei would not let them go easily.

So he said: "Sister, don't worry, I will start practicing martial arts with the guards of the palace tomorrow. I will be the most powerful general in the Wei Kingdom, and I will definitely protect my sister and prevent them from hurting you again!"

Ruan Tang had no choice but to encourage him.

This is what Ruan Yun likes, what she can do is to be his most solid and reliable backing.


After the little prince went out, he didn't come back all afternoon.

During dinner at night, Ruan Tang asked a question, and the princess didn't care and said that the kid didn't need to worry about it. Anyway, as long as he doesn't leave this capital, nothing will happen!

The highest status of the royal family of the Wei Dynasty, apart from today, is Ji Changan, the uncle of the Seventeenth King, who is under one person and over ten thousand people, and after that, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Ji Chongxi.

In addition to these three people, the king of Jin and the king of Qin and several princesses are also favored, but their status and power are far inferior to Prince Rui's, and they are also inferior to some veteran ministers in the court.

Prince Xiaojun is the only son of Prince Rui, the heir to the palace, and good brothers with the crown prince. His relationship with Uncle Seventeen is second only to the crown prince and Uncle Seventeen, and he is the most beloved nephew today...

These auras add up, and it is indeed a noble status.

Who dares to provoke him!

Ruan Tang and Ruan Yun couldn't ask more questions even if they had any questions. After eating, they went back to the courtyard, and the two of them read and wrote together.

Although Ruan Tang supports Ruan Yun in pursuing his ideals, he doesn't want him to be hurt, especially if he has the ability to protect him.

Therefore, she intends to write down the tactics she knows about marching and fighting.

The so-called know the enemy and know yourself, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

It is obviously not enough to have brute force in a large-scale battle. If Ruan Yun wants to be a general, he must understand the position and role of a general.

You must know how to fight, you must know how to lead the army, and you must know how to manage the army.

This requires both civil and military actions, and equal emphasis on rewards and punishments. It is necessary to sum up experience in actual combat and constantly improve the system in the army.

But this experience, if it was bought with the blood of soldiers who can irrigate the land, it would be too painful.

But if you can strengthen your own strength and fully grasp the opponent's combat principles and combat forms, make good use of strategies, and know your enemy and yourself, then you will be able to win a decisive victory thousands of miles away and plan your strategy.

Ruan Yun read the book for a while, and when he looked up, he found that Ruan Tang was still writing. He didn't know what Ruan Tang was writing, so he was very curious, but he didn't bother Ruan Tang.

When it got dark, he went back to his house.

Ruan Yun is going to be a general

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