The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2393 Dressed as a Biao Miss who was eaten out of households (55)

The famous and rich peony in Kyoto was dedicated to the well-deserved mother of the country, the Queen Mother, and the magpie, which symbolized good luck, flew to the Queen Mother's shoulders.

If it was a little bigger, it should be something like a phoenix crane, but the movement was too loud, and it was difficult to explain, so Ruan Tang only played a little trick.

But the Queen Mother is already very happy.

She asked Ruan Tang how he did it. Ruan Tang said that when he was in Huainan, he saw an old juggler doing it. Later, he studied it and learned a few tricks.

But how it works, I can't say it now, and there will be no surprises if I say it.

The queen mother was happy in her heart, and she didn't pursue Ruan Tang's hiding. Anyway, she was her daughter-in-law. She sent someone to invite her, and she had to come to the palace. If she wanted to see it, she could see it anytime.

"It's really wonderful."

When the emperor's voice came, other people knelt down on the ground, and Ruan Tang also blessed her body to pay her respects, and the emperor immediately asked Ji Changan to support her.

"My mother's place is really lively. Poor me, I have to write memorials to deal with state affairs from morning till night!"

The emperor is complaining all the time, the corners of the prince's and Ji Chang'an's mouths are also twitching frequently, who made your fate to be the emperor!

Ruan Tang was startled by the emperor's true temperament, but he didn't show it.

The queen mother knew her son's virtues well, snorted, and said, "If you are dissatisfied, go to the imperial mausoleum to talk to your father", then took Ruan Tang's hand, and walked into the house affectionately.


Prince: "Father, the emperor's grandmother is right, it is not the emperor's grandmother who made you the prince."

Ji Chang'an: "Brother Huang, can you stop saying this sentence every time, it makes your ears tingle. If you really feel at ease, quickly abdicate and let the crown prince take over."

Anyway, no matter who is the emperor, it will not affect his status.


There really is no love for the emperor in this world.

Ji Chang'an didn't have time to comfort the emperor's glassy heart. He saw the relationship between Ruan Tang and the Queen Mother as soon as he came. The relationship between his wife and mother was harmonious. This was the dream of countless men, but disasters often happened in their family.

But the person he likes, even the first time he met his mother who seemed gentle and approachable, but was sharp, shrewd and hard to get close to.

It's amazing!

During the meal, Ji Changan flattered the Empress Dowager many times, and kept saying good things. Although he was filial and filial in the past, this time he was too attentive. Not only the emperor and the prince, but even the empress dowager were very speechless.

She never knew that marriage would have such an impact on her youngest son.

But it is what it is.

A wife is still more important than an old lady!

Although she could see it openly, she was inevitably a little stuffy in her heart.

So after lunch, Ruan Tang was asked to sit down for a while, and after giving him some rewards, he asked Ji Changan to send Ruan Tang out of the palace.

If she stayed any longer, she would only feel more frustrated.

When Ruan Tang left the palace, except for Ji Changan, the rest were people from the Empress Dowager's palace.

Coming out of the palace, most of them are the mansions of princes and nobles. Along the way, they have to pass through the central street. The two sides are also the bustling places of Kyoto, and those nobles often appear here.

Before the queen mother's carriage went far, the news spread that Ruan Tang was summoned by the queen mother to have a meal with the emperor, queen mother, prince and others and got a reward to leave the palace.

Some people were envious and jealous of Ji Chang'an's deliberate ending, so they criticized Ruan Tang's life experience and criticized her for being unfilial.

Even if the mourning system is changed, as a son and a daughter, one should still fulfill one's filial piety, instead of losing one's conscience and humanity for the sake of glory and wealth.

Emperor: I won't do this job

Prince: I, I can't afford to be

Ji Chang'an: Whoever loves to be, anyway, the status of the master will not be affected

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