The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2422 Dressed as a cousin who was eaten out of households (84)

Any new laws or rules appear, the implementation is very difficult.

Now Ruan Tang's proposal has also met with opposition, especially from women who have accepted traditional thinking and are looking forward to getting married.

But the policy has already been promulgated, and the following have begun to implement it. If you don’t agree, there is nothing you can do. Before you get married, you have to deal with the household registration. If the government doesn’t do it for you, what else can you do?

As long as the wrist is a little stronger, it will go on.

The scolding that got up early will slowly disappear as they learn about the data related to human life, and then more supporters will appear.

Ruan Tang has done such things in many worlds, because those people's psychology will change, and they will eventually accept things that are beneficial to themselves.

Of course, the beginning of such a policy will disrupt many things.

For example, a couple who have already made a marriage contract and plan to get married after the girl reaches Ji, but cannot get married because of this reason, the relationship between the two families changes, and the status of one party may change in a short period of time due to the opportunity of one party, resulting in the breach of the contract due to unequal. Let the innocent people on one side suffer losses.

In view of this situation, a special department has been set up to investigate and mediate such cases, minimize the number of victims, make up for the losses of some people, and give them compensation.

And the fastest way to change this phenomenon is to let them see the reality clearly, accept the reality, and decide to change the reality.

The school has played a very important role.

But it's easy to set up, if you spread some money, you can build schools everywhere, but how to get women to enter the schools voluntarily is another problem.

Ruan Tang can only go from one problem to another, constantly discovering and solving problems.

Among them, Ji Changan's contribution cannot be ignored.

In addition, the Queen Mother and Princess Rui also played a key role.

They successfully led the daughters of the princes and noble families, the wind direction in the noble circle has changed, and some people who are trying to get closer to the nobles will also change.

Learning and surpassing are common psychology.

Most of the people are changing, and the lower ones don't want to stay at the bottom forever, naturally, the change is even greater.

Before I knew it, another half a year had passed.

This year's borders were not peaceful, and people from some small countries and tribes would rob things on the borders of the Great Wei from time to time and kill innocent people.

But their goal is not the little food, cloth, or jewelry, but the land of the Great Wei, the country of the Great Wei.

Prince Rui used to be a person who led troops to fight. Over the years, the frontier has been peaceful and the interior has been stable, so he has recuperated for a few years, but his hands have been itchy for many years.

As soon as he heard that there was a small rebellion on the border, he asked for orders to lead troops to suppress it.

Princess Rui had no choice but to try her best to keep the little prince.

The king of Xiaojun doesn't have the experience and ability of Prince Rui, and he is also a civil servant, but as a man, who doesn't want to fight on the real battlefield.

But he still didn't make it.

In September, Prince Rui won a battle and wiped out a small country that continuously invaded the land of Great Wei and slaughtered its people. The soldiers of Great Wei settled in and took over there, and temporarily killed those ambitious people who wanted to do wrong. Terrified, he retracted his paws.

When the news came, the whole country celebrated.

The king of the small county is even more determined to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and serve the country. Ruan Yun is also eager to try, practicing kung fu every day from morning to night, even if Ruan Tang persuades him.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.


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