The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2424 Dressed as a Biao Miss who was eaten out of households (86)

Before setting off, King Jin and King Qin, including the King of Xiaojun and Ruan Yun who couldn't hold back a hundred cows, were all practicing martial arts crazily. Only Ji Changan took Ruan Tang on dates all day long.

Since their marriage, the two have traveled to many places.

Especially after Ruan Tang started to develop medicine, she often went out with some doctors to gather medicine, and Ji Changan was worried, so she went with them.

Picking medicine has become a trip to the mountains and rivers. Some old men and accompanying guards have always been dedicated to finding medicine and doing coolies, while Ji Changan seamlessly sees the opportunity to show affection.

Now there is no time to go to interesting places in other places, so he took Ruan Tang to some places he used to go to when he was young. The Supreme Emperor circled many places he liked and built a royal garden, and he also went there in summer But this time it's another flavor.

After playing with Ruan Tang thoroughly for a few days, Ji Changan stopped going out.

Pulling Ruan Tang in the house every day, the maids didn't dare to disturb her, and only dared to speak out when the meal time or when the queen mother had any wishes.

Don't get it wrong, everyone, he just doesn't want to part with Ruan Tang, and he is worried about Ruan Tang, so he repeatedly told her some things.

If Ruan Tang could produce it, the book of war had been given to Ruan Yun long ago, and it had already been promoted in the army. The soldiers were all learning the most basic art of war, and Ji Changan had already studied those books thoroughly.

The rest is medicine and prescriptions.

To avoid unforeseen dangers, Ruan Tang not only had the high-efficiency medicines she had here loaded, but also bought a lot from the folks. Several old men rushed to work day and night, and finally took out some medicines for external use.

Ruan Tang knew that Ji Changan would be fine, but he felt the same worry.

At this time, Song Jinxiu did not develop the ubiquitous weapons in the last days like in the plot. Song Jinyue's spiritual spring was only diluted with water and used by soldiers. Even if the two of them conspired, there would be no chance of winning against Ji Changan. .

But the more you prepare, the more protection you have.

Ji Changan didn't think Ruan Tang was wordy either, he just liked watching Ruan Tang gossip about him, because this was the time when he was least like her, and it was also the time when she loved him the most.

Ruan Tang finally gave Ji Changan the real medicine that could bring the dead back to life. In any case, she didn't want any mistakes between him and Ruan Yun.

Especially Ruan Yun.

In the plot, Song Jinyue and Song Jinxiu hated him because of his revenge for the original owner, and even joined forces with foreign enemies to plot against Ruan Yun, making the general who should have been famous in history become an aggrieved soul who was besieged and killed by his own family and enemies .

Even if they die, they will not live in peace, and they will be sent to the enemy army and become the target of the enemy to vent their anger.

In this life, he can only be a young general who has made great achievements in battle at a young age.

Then become a general.

This is his fate.


It took Ruan Tang a long time to find out that Song Jinxiu and Song Jinyue had also gone to the border.

It's okay for family members to accompany the army. It's very common. Some soldiers who have been stationed on the frontier all the year round will also bring their family members there.

But these two people obviously have a different purpose.

Ruan Tang was afraid that they would repeat their old tricks, so he mentioned some key information in the kit he gave Ji Changan when he sent them out of the city.

While annihilating the enemy army, you must also guard against the people around you.

If the two of them still want to unite with foreign enemies to eliminate Ji Changan and the others at this time, it is really an unforgivable crime.

However, she still underestimated the ambitions of those two.

Really going to end the world

Girls vote ^^^

Good night!

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