The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2482 The actor's white moonlight double (56)

Ruan Tang left after staying in the crew for two days. She asked Da Zhou to stay with Xiao Zhou to take care of Mu Tingyue. Tang Ping An sent home.

Mr. Liang knew that she was back, so he quickly called her to ask her if Da Zhou could use it. The person Wen Zhou personally selected should not be far behind.

Ruan Tangxin said that people from the Ruan family are of course not bad in ability, but they are too loyal and think about her in everything, so they will inevitably be negligent towards Mu Tingyue.

Fortunately, this time he realized what to do.

Mr. Liang didn't ask too many questions, and when Ruan Tang went to the company, he told about Han Junlun.

The contract with Han Junlun was terminated, and some companies’ endorsements for Han Junlun were also gone. Han Junlun sold the big villa he bought last year, and kept an apartment as a place to live, but he still owes tens of millions. debt.

Han Junlun came to the company this morning and said he wanted to see Ruan Tang, but no one in the company wanted to see him, and those artists who had been underestimated by him were even more upset, and advised him to be sensible and get out, otherwise it would only be worse.

Feng Shui turns, even if they are not Ruan Tang's artists, they are just not as good as Mu Tingyue. With Xingyao as their backer, no one can bully them.

Han Junlun is now like a bereaved dog.

If they want to deal with him, it's just a matter of one sentence.

Han Junlun followed Ruan Tang that day, his eyes went to the sky, he ignored everyone, and offended all the people in the company.

Looking at it now, there is no one who can talk to it.

He could only run away in a hurry.

Mr. Liang knew that Ruan Tang didn't care about Han Junlun that much, so he just mentioned it, and then took out a movie script for Ruan Tang to read.

The movie tells a story of redemption and redemption.

It is an adaptation of real events. The author is one of the protagonists in the story. He wanted to bring their story into the soil. Later, it is said that he saw a news similar to their fate and changed his mind.

The protagonist is a pair of brothers. They had a good relationship until the younger brother was five years old, but suddenly one day, the elder brother started to hate the younger brother, beat and kicked the younger brother, kept him from getting close, and no longer got close to him.

In particular, the elder brother never let the younger brother get close to his father.

And the younger brother is very obsessive, he likes to follow his elder brother in everything he does, like a little tail, and he doesn't want to be separated for a moment. Under such circumstances, the change of elder brother's attitude has caused great trauma to the younger brother's young heart.

Later, my parents didn't know why they divorced.

The mother wanted to take the younger brother away, and the father also wanted to take the younger brother away, but the elder brother angrily stuffed the younger brother into his mother's arms, and asked him to follow his mother as far as possible.

From the change of the elder brother to the divorce of the parents, the world of the younger brother has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He couldn't accept all this, and even regarded his brother as an enemy.

They haven't seen each other for more than ten years.

This is the cognition of the younger brother who became very extreme and rebellious after being greatly stimulated.

But the elder brother has always looked after his younger brother. During important festivals such as New Year's Day and younger brother's birthday, he would buy gifts for his mother and ask her to pass them on to his younger brother.

But all the gifts were thrown into the trash can by my mother as a dirty curse.

The younger brother didn't know it until his eighteenth birthday, when he accidentally saw his elder brother appearing at the door of his and his mother's house pushing a motorcycle he loved very much.

The addition is complete!

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