The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2537 I'm a boss in the Republic of China (31)

Marshal Ruan returned to the city with a high profile, and everyone who had time was watching on the street.

The last time it was so lively was when the commander-in-chief dealt with the bandits who robbed and slaughtered innocent people.

From a distance, they saw Ruan Huaizhi, who was wearing a military uniform on a tall horse with a straight back and a happy face.

And walking next to him was a girl wearing a women's military uniform, who was also heroic and had a domineering temperament.

Behind them are adjutants and female generals, following the people in front like patron saints.

Zuihuan Building is right next to the main road, and the women and guests in the building are either crowded at the downstairs door or crowded by the window to look outside.

Cheng Huan was sitting in front of the window on the second floor. She didn't dare to look down, and only let her subordinates stare at her.

"Boss, it's that woman..."

Cheng Huan immediately opened his eyes when the voice of his subordinates sounded.

At a glance, I happened to see Marshal Ruan waving his hand to greet the people in the city, and Ruan Tang was standing next to him, with a rebellious look on his face, as if he was born so noble that people couldn't look directly at him.

But not long ago, she was still a lowly person who couldn't even afford good clothes and was likely to be reduced to Zuihuanlou.

Only half a month later, I flew up to the branch to become a phoenix.

What Cheng Huan had been worrying about for so many days that made her unable to sleep peacefully at night finally happened.

However, what scares her more than Ruan Tang winning the favor of Marshal Ruan is Ruan Tang's cruelty and vengeance.

Before leaving that day, Ruan Tang said that he didn't like Zuihuanlou, and Marshal Ruan said he would clean it up, but nothing happened these days. She thought the limelight was over, but found that everything had just begun.

Ruan Tang came back, and came back in a very beautiful way.

So Zuihuanlou, is it about to usher in a disaster?

Cheng Huan can no longer deceive himself and tell himself that Ruan Tang, a lowly person, does not deserve to be liked by the commander-in-chief, and can no longer deceive himself that everything is fine.

Listening to the uniform footsteps of the departing team and the conversations of everyone on the street, she took a deep breath, went back to her room and wrote a letter, and immediately asked someone to deliver it to her.

Zuihuanlou is the foundation of her life, and absolutely nothing will happen to her.

Ruan mansion.

The servants who went out to buy saw a strange scene on the street, and told others about it when they returned, and then it spread to the ears of Song Shuhui and the rest of the Song family.

Song Shuhui had seen a lot of big battles, so she knew that Marshal Ruan was back.

Otherwise, except for wedding celebrations, no one would dare to make such a big splash on the street.

She grabbed the shopping woman and asked if Marshal Ruan had returned and where the team had gone, and she didn't send anyone to tell her when she came back, so she had someone ready to welcome her.

The woman said that she just listened to what others said, and did not see the shadow of the army.

Song Shuhui immediately arranged for someone to clean up the house. These days, both she and Song Baozhu's family are not doing well.

At first they could deceive themselves, saying that Marshal Ruan loved his son even if he didn't like him, and no matter how beautiful the vixen was, he would not forget his son's hatred for the vixen.

But at the end of the day, there was no news of whether Ruan Weilin was dead or alive. Calls to Ruan Huaizhi were not answered, and the camp was invulnerable. All the people sent were knocked unconscious and thrown outside, and Ruan Huaizhi's friends were asked to help in the test. It was perfunctory.

There are more and more signs that Marshal Ruan is pushing them out.

Everything is going against them!


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