The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2572 I am a big boss in the Republic of China (66)

After the fish in Qiao Xihua's hand was grilled, he handed it all to Ruan Tang, who cut off half of it and gave it to him.

When Qiao Xihua was studying abroad, he was considered a "cooking god" by his foreign friends. His skills in this area were naturally good, and the grilled fish was also very delicious.

Ruan Tang greeted everyone politely first, and then started eating deliciously, praising Qiao Xihua's cooking skills from time to time.

Qiao Xihua looked at her lovingly, as if if you like it, I will cook it for you every day.

Others smelled the aroma of grilled fish, swallowed their saliva, looked at the unprocessed fish in their hands, and began to doubt life.

Are they here for an outing?

Still here to see someone show off their affection!

We haven’t even cleaned the fish yet, but our stomach is already filled with dog food!

On the other side, the three parties who received the fish were all pleasantly surprised.

The Qiao family and his wife were very excited when they heard that it was the Ruan family who was giving the gift. They thought that Ruan Huaizhi was finally willing to accept the reality and came to the door. But when they heard that it was Ruan Tang who asked them to deliver the fish, Ruan Tang personally caught the fish. , the couple suddenly became even happier.

Ruan Tang was able to honor them in such a big way, which was obviously because their son's status had changed.

The couple looked at each other with joy on their faces.

This is even better news than Ruan Huai coming to visit!

"This little brother will sit down and have a cup of tea first. Let me get something. You can help me deliver it to Marshal Ruan later." Mrs. Qiao said.

Since the Ruan family recognized their son as their son-in-law, they naturally had to show their attitude and not let people think that they did not value Ruan Tang.

Mrs. Qiao took out the jade pendant passed down to her daughter-in-law from the direct line of the Qiao family and the meeting gift she had prepared for her daughter-in-law, and brought them to Ruan Huaizhi.

Ruan Huaizhi knew the past of the Qiao family, and when he saw the jade pendant that represented the status of the mistress of the Qiao family and could withdraw money from the Qiao family's accounts at will, he would naturally understand the sincerity of their Qiao family's marriage proposal!

Ruan Weiyan has been home for some time, and the school also called him to ask when he would go back. In the past, he just told Ruan Huaizhi and left, but now that he has a younger sister, he is reluctant to leave her.

So far, both the second wife and Song Shuhui have tried every means to get people to send messages to him, hoping that he can put in a good word for them and rescue them.

That cell is really no place for people to stay.

Especially after hearing about their crimes, the people inside would bully the second wife, Song Shuhui and others from time to time.

Especially Song Shuhui, there was a woman in there who accidentally killed someone to protect her daughter from being tainted by gangsters. Knowing that Song Shuhui could even harm her own daughter, she made trouble for Song Shuhui from time to time.

Song Shuhui was almost driven crazy.

Unfortunately, Ruan Weiyan received the letter and had no intention of helping them.

These people think that if he is soft-hearted, they can manipulate them at will. He is soft-hearted, but there are different targets. If he becomes soft-hearted towards people like Song Shuhui, what will happen to his sister? What should I do with my second uncle?

Who will repay the seventeen years since their father and daughter were separated from each other? Who can I turn to for my sister’s suffering outside? To whom should the second uncle complain about being deceived and mistaking the counterfeit for his own son?

They misjudged him after all!

Ruan Weiyan not only did not help anyone, but also told the people in the patrol room as the "eldest young master of the Ruan family" that the people in the patrol room were prisoners, not the mother of Marshal Ruan's ex-wife, Miss Ruan, so don't give them anything. preferential treatment.

Don't break the rules and send messages for them to disturb people they shouldn't!

8 more updates!

I almost couldn’t finish it, ladies and sisters please vote^0^

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