The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2668 Don't be a dedicated sister-in-law (72)

Although equality between men and women has been advertised for many years, equality in the true sense has not been realized at all.

Just like this time Ruan Tang's research won the award.

For male scientists, the media will only say that they are scientists when they report, and will not particularly emphasize gender, nor will they question this or that just because they are young.

But for female scientists, all reports will emphasize gender, just like the positions in some units, women occupy important positions at a young age, and they have to accept doubts from all sides.

Is she really capable of sitting in that seat as a woman? Did she go up by her own ability, or did she have a backer behind her?

If you have an outstanding appearance, you will wonder whether you have betrayed your hue and body.

Anyway, few people would affirm her talent.

Ruan Tang is like this.

She became famous all over the country because of her research, but at the same time she was questioned from all sides.

Ruan Tang's appearance is so high, who knows if he went through the back door and had an invisible relationship with the high-level, and then took advantage of this relationship to profit and get this honor.

She is so young, and she was not admitted to the university at the normal entrance age. Who knows if she has real talents and learning, maybe she has stolen other people's achievements!

These days the Internet is very developed, and news spreads quickly.

When doubts sounded, Xing Xiangqian and Liu Anxin, who were still struggling at the bottom of the county, seemed to see hope.

They are all living in such misery because of Ruan Tang, so why does Ruan Tang have such glory and glory?

After Liu Anxin got married, her life was unsatisfactory, and she couldn't stand that kind of life and cheated on a rich man, but she was not the only woman in that rich man.

She was not doing well, so she kept comparing her with Ruan Tang.

It's also a second marriage, so how can Ruan Tang marry someone who is so powerful in Li Ci?

Now, she has become a yellow-faced woman, but Ruan Tang has become a scientist. This is simply a slap in the face for her laughing at Ruan Tang for failing to pass the university entrance examination.

Seeing voices of doubt on the Internet this time, she felt that the opportunity had come.

Immediately registered an account, and posted Ruan Tang's growth experience on the Internet, especially marking the news that Ruan Tang had been getting poor grades in school, failed to pass the university entrance exam, was married, and broke up with his in-laws.

Liu Anxin's post quickly attracted attention.

Under the inquiry of netizens, she wrote down the situation of Xing's family clearly.

What kind of outstanding young scientist is just a scheming girl who betrayed her faith and took advantage of the fire to take advantage of the fire. The current miserable situation of the Xing family was all caused by Ruan Tang.

Liu Anxin's post, like the news interview, caused a great sensation.

Some people who don't want to believe that women can be so good, when they saw Liu Anxin's post, they decided that Ruan Tang was such a bad person, and began to spare no effort to black Ruan Tang.

Xing Xiangqian doesn't know who posted the post, he doesn't care, what he cares about is that he can finally take the opportunity to teach Ruan Tang a lesson.

Let Ruan Tang know that he is not such a bully!

After Liu Anxin, he also went to the Internet cafe to confirm what Liu Anxin said was true in the name of the person concerned.

After that, both the Internet and the media launched a crusade against Ruan Tang.

How can such a corrupt person win the award, and why should he be on an equal footing with those scientists who are highly respected and have made extraordinary contributions?

The outside world exploded, but Ruan Tang turned a deaf ear to it.

After finally finishing this stage of work, she of course ignored everything and concentrated on being with the little baby and her husband at home.

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