The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2725 The rich and arrogant young lady (55)

It's not that the Yu family favors the little ones and treats the big ones badly, but the family background is like that, the elders have exhausted all their energy just to live, so they can't take care of other things.

But what Yu Zhou said after the exam pushed the Yu family into hell.

Everyone knows that the Yu family values ​​boys over girls, to what extent? In order to make his incompetent son and nephew happy, he asked his clever daughter to pretend that she knows nothing about the end of the exam.

As soon as the rumors came out, the Yu family was demonized.

Why do you wear gold and silver for your younger son but make your daughter not buy new clothes for several years, sleep in a woodshed at home, don't even have a thick quilt in winter, eat leftovers, and treat your younger son like a cow or a horse? Taking off is a slave of the old society or something.

People from the Women's Federation came to the door, reporters came to the door, and the small leaders of the village also followed the trend and criticized the Yu family. The few of the Yu family who had jobs lost all their jobs, and they were pointed at and scolded outside. , can only go back to the village to farm.

Several other children of the Yu family were also bullied by their classmates at school, and then they were unwilling to go to school, and dropped out of school to work.

Only Yu Zhou, who was a blockbuster in the high school entrance examination, impressed a certain admissions teacher of Minghua Middle School with his excellent grades and spirit of perseverance, self-improvement and never giving up, and then entered Minghua Middle School.

People who knew Yu Zhou's "experience" said that she was finally freed from the sea of ​​suffering after all the hardships.

But those who knew the Yu family's honesty, duty, and kind nature sighed endlessly.

This daughter is raised for nothing.

Even raising a dog is much better than raising a daughter like Yu Zhou.

After that, it was Yu Zhou's experience after arriving in Yuncheng.

She had the bonus she got from the senior high school entrance examination and a stipend from Minghua Middle School. After arriving in Yuncheng, she rented a house to live in.

Before school started, she worked several jobs, which sounded very inspirational, but the strange thing is that the places where she worked were the places where Shao Lingxiao, Ji Bai Hanjiang and Song Chenhan of the four major families visited most .

And there are so many people who go to work, as long as Yu Zhou has some interaction with these four young masters every few days.

Either she reminded Shao Ling not to drink the drugged wine, or she stood in front of the drunk Bai Hanjiang to deal with the robbers, or after other employees accidentally spilled coffee on Xiao Heji, Yu Zhou stepped forward to appease Xiao Heji's emotions, or when Song Chenhan was entangled by peripheral girls, he appeared as his girlfriend to help him out...

Although Yu Zhou's appearance is very inexplicable and confusing, it seems that he is a little meddling.

But Yu Zhou's goal was achieved.

The young masters of the four major families, no matter whether they are grateful or hate her, everyone remembers her as a person!

Yu Zhou came to Yuncheng after he got his high school diploma, and it has been a month now, and he has some subtle connections with Shao Ling and the others.

In the eyes of those four, Yu Zhou was a lively and lively existence completely different from the noble and arrogant Miss Ruan.

She is kind, lively, cute, mischievous, tolerant, confident, warm, sincere...

Anyway, there are many shining points that Miss Ruan, who they have been chasing for ten years without success, doesn't have!

After school started, Yu Zhou, like Shao Ling, Xiao Heji, was in Class 11, and he had more opportunities to get in touch and spend time with each other.

For now, her relationship with these two is the best.

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