The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2749 The rich and arrogant young lady (79)

Xia Yunlou and the others had a full schedule of courses they had to learn from childhood to university, and they had no time at all, nor did they have the heart to read any online novels.

But recently, because of the universe, several people have learned about related things.

After being reminded by Ruan Tang, Xia Yunlou revealed the truth.

"Brother, what do you mean by that thing is resentment?" Han Zhao frowned.

Xia Yunlou nodded: "It's nothing more than taking away other people's luck and arousing their resentment."

Wei Lin said: "This is very possible. We have learned that some have luck with the Son of Destiny, some have peach blossom eyes, some have wealth luck, some have bad luck, some have intelligence quotient, and some have longevity. It's based on everything you have, if Yu Zhou is complaining, it will make sense."

Han Zhao agreed: "Yes, Yu Zhou is protected by that thing, even if she has done so many bad things, she is safe and sound, but her luck is getting better and better, and the people who are slapped in the face by her are getting more and more unlucky , Yu Zhou took the luck from them, and at the same time, it will also arouse the resentment of the victims, that thing can get resentment..."

Ruan Tang looked at them admiringly while eating the chicken drumsticks.

Yu Zhou thought this was just a world in a book, everyone was a paper man, without emotion or soul, except her four princes were flesh and blood creatures.

She has no reverence for life, and never takes all creatures in this world seriously, but she doesn't know that the "paper man" in her eyes is much smarter than her.

If it weren't for the current lack of understanding of the system, how could she survive!

After dinner, on the way back to the dormitory, they could still hear some discussions and disputes about why Mu Shuying dropped out of school.

But no one took it to heart.

Yu Zhou's point of accusation has no effect on Ruan Tang at all.

Other people in the school, even if they can gossip in private, they will never go to Ruan Tang to question Ruan Tang for an unimportant person.

After a while, when the truth about Mu Shuying's life experience is revealed, no one will blame Ruan Tang again.

After the three of Xia Yunlou returned to the dormitory, they made relevant plans. If they could help the victims return to their rightful path, then the grievances would subside.

Without grievances, the power of that system will be weakened. Since they are using each other, the benefits that Yu Zhou can get from the system will also decrease.

Many problems can be solved.

Another point, if the system is the same as in the novel, if the system waits for the host to die before leaving, then make good use of Yu Zhou.

If there is any way to make the system completely lose energy and crash completely, Yu Zhou will have nothing to fear!

The three of them thought more and more deeply, and soon put it into action.

The Ruan family's connections are intricate and complicated. As the young masters of the Ruan family, their connections should not be underestimated. A phone call can change many things.

"Boss, they are too smart." 477 sighed again.

Ruan Tang: "They are very smart, but they are all my people."

477: "..."

"Baby, it's time to start, to confuse Yu Zhou's memory of the novel, and the rewards she got through the system, such as the top student and beauty, but don't make it too obvious, and don't let the other party notice."

Yu Zhou is an investment genius who can turn stones into gold and predict the future?

Then let the four major families go to the carnival with Yu Zhou.

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