The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2891 The Princess is Husband Again (55)

Han Ling was jealous of Ruan Tang's brilliance, but he didn't dare to look at her, he just said falteringly: "You said that you don't know this at all."

Ruan Tang sneered: "Why did the princess tell you what?"

Han Ling: "..."

Others feel very speechless when they hear it. They don’t like to make public, why should they tell you?

Just after listening to a sentence, you judge others self-righteously and label others. Your ability to stir up disputes is really powerful!

Ruan Tang didn't pay attention to Han Ling any more, anyway, after tonight, their family's good life will come to an end, this Mid-Autumn Festival feast should be regarded as a farewell to Cheng Enhou's family.

She stepped forward and said, "Eunuch Bao, take care of me with pen and ink!"

"Hey! This old slave is ready now." Eunuch Bao hurriedly went to prepare.

Everyone else has different expressions, some are worried, some are watching a play, some are gloating...

However, Emperor Chong was relatively stable with the Empress Dowager and the eldest princess.

The eldest princess witnessed the production of this painting with her own eyes. Both the Queen Mother and Emperor Chong knew from the hidden guards how much effort and energy Princess Rong An had wasted on this painting, so naturally they would not suspect that she stole someone else's painting.

But at this moment, except for them, no one else believed it, so let Rong An show off his talent and silence these people, so that they would never dare to say the word "no talent" to Rong An in the future!

Eunuch Bao asked for pens and inks to be presented, and placed a desk in the center, with two eunuchs waiting on him.

Ruan Tang first observed the structure of the entire hall, the number of people attending the palace banquet, and the expressions and postures of each person, then closed his eyes, engraved all this in his mind, and then started to write.

At first, I couldn't see anything, but slowly, some people who were close to me let out exclamations. Emperor Chong felt itchy. I couldn't see the drawing process of Jiangshan map with my own eyes. This palace banquet map can't be missed.

Emperor Chong came down again, the queen mother looked greedy, asked the eunuch to put a chair, and the eldest princess came down too.

The ministers headed by the Taifu and the prime minister watched from behind.

Originally, Emperor Chong was worried that this occasion would affect his niece's state of mind, and whether she would affect the results if she was nervous, but when she saw that her face was calm and relaxed, and she wrote like a divine help, she knew that she was not affected by anyone or anything.

At this moment, she put her whole body and mind into the painting.

At the beginning, it was just some outlines, and gradually those strange looking things had specific shapes, colors, looks, and demeanor...

"Ah, this is Your Majesty! It really looks like..."

When Emperor Chong looked over, he was the most conspicuous. He wondered if his niece had selfish intentions, but actually drew him to be extraordinarily handsome and energetic, majestic yet gentle.

"Master Taifu, this is you!" an adult said in surprise.

Tai Fu looked at the painting tremblingly.

Two hours, one piece of paper, showing a vivid palace banquet scene.

When Ruan Tang finished painting, she was sweating all over her body, she threw the pen and the painting to everyone, and flung herself into the Empress Dowager's arms coquettishly: "Grandmother, I'm so tired, my wrists are sore. "

"Thank you Rong An, come here, call the imperial doctor." The Queen Mother said, and rubbed her wrist.

The eldest princess was both proud and distressed: "When this child was making pictures of mountains and rivers, he was tired after only drawing for more than half an hour a day, and then went to play. Otherwise, this gift would not have been delayed until today."

The people who were admiring the pictures of the palace banquet were slightly startled, and they thought that Princess Rong An must have been really exhausted after holding on for two hours.

Even though he is so squeamish, he persisted in finishing the painting, which shows how tough and commendable his character is!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Little sister, sister, sister, vote ^-^

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