The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2898 The Princess is Husband Again (62)

Emperor Chong pulled Ruan Tang to introduce various young masters to her, and every time he clicked on a person, that person would blush.

Before, Ruan Tang was just regarded as a princess, but now the opportunity is in front of him, maybe they can change the "monarch and minister" relationship between them, and make them the closest couple, I feel embarrassed thinking about it.

Only Wen Jingyu remained calm and composed. Even when he heard the name, he didn't panic at all. He was painting. After seeing what he drew, many people gasped.

This Tan Hua Lang is really brave, he actually drew His Majesty and Princess Rong An without His Majesty's permission, he will be punished later!

"Your Majesty, General Song is asking to see you." Mr. Bao sent a message.

Emperor Chong raised his eyebrows, looked at the eldest princess with a smile, and said, "Let him in."

The eldest princess: "..."

The queen and others watched, all of them felt jealous.

As women, the eldest princess, mother and daughter can abolish the son-in-law freely and unrestrainedly, and choose another person they like to be the son-in-law.

But they can only endure jealousy and sadness, watching the emperor go to another woman's palace, and they can't be dissatisfied in the slightest!

The gap between people is really too big.

"The final general will see His Majesty!"

General Song was born tall and handsome, and because he lived in the Northwest all year round, he was a little tanned, but it can be seen that he was a very handsome boy when he was young.

Of course, now that he is over forty, he doesn't look old, and his energy is not even comparable to that of many young people.

"Stay flat." Emperor Chong gave a little support, General Song got up, and then saluted the Queen Mother and the Eldest Princess.

All the students and family members present were dumbfounded.

It was rumored that General Song had a heart for the Eldest Princess, and he had never been married because he had someone in his heart. When he heard that the Eldest Princess abolished her son-in-law, he put down his military power and returned to Beijing. Unexpectedly, the rumors turned out to be true!

All of them looked at each other, even a person like General Song who was in his forties could do this for love, young and vigorous people like them couldn't lose to the "elderly group".

General Song had no idea how many young talents his actions had inspired.

Emperor Chong asked the eunuch to move the chair, gave General Song a seat, and then picked up the homework.

"It's been a long journey, it's been hard work."

"It's not hard for the last general!" General Song said, looking at the princess and Ruan Tang calmly, and then quickly averted his eyes.

As if he didn't notice, Emperor Chong said to Ruan Tang: "This is Song Chen, General Song. He has never given up looking for you for so many years. It is thanks to General Song that you can return home safely!"

Just as Song Chen was about to speak, Ruan Tang stood up and gave him a military salute respectfully: "Rong An thank you General!"

"This is what I should do." Song Chen stretched out his hand subconsciously, but quickly retracted it. He was crazy, and even wanted to touch the head of Her Highness the Princess.

He has been paying attention to the eldest princess's mansion all the time, so he naturally knows how much the eldest princess likes this child. The child is missing, and the eldest princess's heart is cut like a knife, and life is better than death. He is at the border, and he also has trouble sleeping and eating all night.

Therefore, he sent a special team to search for the whereabouts of Princess Rong An for more than ten years. Emperor Tian paid off, and finally found traces of Her Highness the Princess.

Later, they asked someone to send Princess Rong An safely to the capital, and then they pulled away.

I didn't expect so many things to happen this year.

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