The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2918 The Princess is Husband Again (82)

At the beginning of the new year, Ruan Tang and Wen Jingyu embarked on a journey to play around.

Before, she worried that the eldest princess would be too lonely, but now that General Song is around, it's not good for her daughter to be a light bulb in front of her.

She and Wen Jingyu left, the eldest princess had more free time, and General Song had more opportunities to get close to the eldest princess.

They set off from Kyoto and walked around at will. Every time they went to a place, Ruan Tang would draw what he saw and heard into paintings, while Wen Jingyu would write it down based on her paintings and their experiences, and then passed it on to Kyoto by Jin Huwei. .

Emperor Chong wrote back, saying that of the two of them, one is the best in the world in painting, and the other is unparalleled in literary talent. It is a pity that those paintings and articles cannot be known to others.

In fact, Emperor Chongdi’s inner thoughts were: My niece is so talented, I’m afraid my niece’s hand has been kissed by a god, how can people in the world not know her talent if my niece is so outstanding!

When Ruan Tang read the letter, he also had an idea.

The letters are still sent, but they can work harder and get two more copies. The gifts for the family are hardcover, which are directly used for collection.

The other copy is not rough, but just copied according to the painting, and then printed it out and sold it in bookstores, which is another profit.

Wen Jingyu happens to have a bookstore responsible for publishing and selling under her name.

The storybooks of "Old Wang's Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law", "Mother-in-law Lets Me Sleep with Her Every Day", "Every Day When I Robbed My Wife" and "I'm afraid my son is not sick" series of stories in the previous prince's family are from the This bookstore was snapped up by book buyers as soon as it was launched, and several editions were reprinted later.

The people under Wen Jingyu's hands are all elites recruited from the people, and their skills are not inferior to those used by the court at all.

It's perfect to leave this matter to them!

After confirming it, Ruan Tang immediately wrote a letter to Emperor Chong. The inspiration for her and Wen Jingyu came from the great rivers and mountains of the Great Xia Kingdom, so 80% of the proceeds from selling books will be donated to the national treasury to benefit the people!

When Emperor Chong received the letter, he was very moved. He took the letter in the morning of the next day and asked all the civil and military officials to read it carefully.

Some people disdain, some doubt, some admire.

The main reason is that they haven't seen the so-called National Geographic drawings, and they haven't read the best article in the world, so they don't believe that it can make money.

There are also some people who simply don't believe it. They feel that it is very stupid to spread their money, and they think that other people are not so generous. Maybe Princess Rong An just wants to gain a good reputation.

By this time, however, the first batch had already been printed and released.

In the court hall, after the guards reported the news, Emperor Chong asked someone to show the finished product to the ministers, so that some people would know how dirty their thoughts were, and let more people know how great his niece is!

The people who have long been impressed by Ruan Tang's painting skills were naturally shocked when they saw the picture book, and couldn't put it down, even flipping it gently for fear of breaking it.

Some skeptics and unbelievers, when they heard that the picture book and the book were selling very well, their faces were either flushed or pale, which was extremely ugly anyway.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it still has meat, not to mention that the income for these few hours is not a small amount of income.

After the picture book was passed on and returned to Emperor Chong, the ministers praised Princess Rong An for caring about the world, and she never forgot to share the country's worries and His Majesty's worries when she went out to play.

Within a day, the story of Princess Rong An and Concubine Wen spread throughout the capital again.

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