The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2987 My family is all bosses (51)

Although Ruan Sui didn't tell Ruan Tang about Zhao Fengxia's cheating, how could Ruan Tang not know.

A kind-hearted person like Ruan Cheng, even though he knew that Zhao Fengxia had a serious problem with her character, he had made do with her for so many years. Could it be that Zhao Fengxia didn't leave anything to her because Zhao Fengxia had deliberately kicked out the hopeful siblings?

Zhao Fengxia has no share in money or house.

This is a bit intriguing.

After all, Zhao Fengxia used to be a military wife, even if she had a problem with her character, it was true that she had lived with Ruan Cheng for more than ten years, and if she didn't keep anything, it would be very unhuman to outsiders.

But Ruan Cheng did just that.

Zhao Fengxia has nothing.

Ruan Tang has reason to suspect that Ruan Cheng already knew that Zhao Fengxia and Zhao Jinhai were hooking up before his death.

Ruan Tang wished to get rid of Zhao Fengxia with his own hands when he thought of how such a proud son of heaven would suffer the aggrievedness of being betrayed by his wife, and pretending that nothing happened for the sake of his children's reputation.

"Sister, are we going to leave like this?" Xu Xi was a little scared, and Zhao Fengxia looked like she was about to die.

Xu Wang was much bolder: "It doesn't matter what she does, it has nothing to do with us that she made herself like this."

Ruan Tang patted Xu Wang's head in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Xiao Wang is right, what does she have to do with us if she accidentally strangled herself on a wire when she went out?"

Xu Xi: "..."

Can it still be like this?

"Let's go, go home."

The three siblings went home humming a little tune.

In the alley, Zhao Fengxia, who was unconscious, suddenly coughed, as if she wanted to cough up all her internal organs, and all the pedestrians passing by at the end of the alley stopped.

A few minutes later, Zhao Fengxia finally stood up, her legs were weak and unable to walk, so she leaned on the wall and walked out step by step.

She is not conscious enough, but she has a deep understanding of what it feels like to be the closest to death.

Zhao Fengxia thought, she really gave birth to a nemesis, specially to defeat her.

The Ruan Tang brothers and sisters don't want her to have a good time, and she won't let them have a good time either. Let's wait and see, one day, she will take that house back!


After this time, Zhao Fengxia didn't show up for a long time, but the Zhao family's uncles and aunts came twice, but they couldn't enter the community, waiting at the gate and being despised and ridiculed by those who knew.

They have thick skins, but they couldn't stand everyone pointing at them and saying they were shameless. After a few times, they calmed down a bit.

Zhao Fengxia still lives with the Zhao family, but her life is completely different from when she was in the Ruan family.

In the past, she only needed to take good care of her current husband and stepson and stepdaughter, and her own daughter and Xu Xixuwang did all the housework.

But now we are separated, Zhao Jinhai is cowardly and incompetent and machismo, Zhao Xiaolong is the one who wants to inherit the throne, so naturally he can't do anything, Zhao Rui is coquettish and slippery, lazy if he can, the remaining Zhao Xiaofeng is a little weaker , but the whole family is looking for various reasons to strike, and she will not treat herself as a maid.

So, doing the laundry and cooking fell on Zhao Fengxia alone.

Now that there is no money, Zhao Xiaofeng and Zhao Xiaolong can't go to school anymore, and even Zhao Rui dropped out of school. Zhao Xiaofeng and Zhao Rui found jobs as waiters and cashiers, but Zhao Xiaolong and Zhao Jinhai, the two strongest The family ate and waited to die, so Zhao Fengxia found two jobs by herself, and worked hard day and night.

When Ruan Tang took Xu Xixuwang to go shopping and watch a movie, he even had a face-to-face meeting with Zhao Fengxia. Zhao Fengxia was full of hatred, but Ruan Tang seemed to be facing a stranger.

Knowing that the Zhao family is worse than a cesspit but insisting on sticking in it, who can stop it?

Today's result, for Zhao Fengxia, is also seeking benevolence!

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