The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3001 My family is all bosses (65)

Si Shaoqing was still talking about Bai Ya.

When he was in the country, Bai Ya liked Han Youzhi. Han Youzhi's family had money and a background, and they hid it deeply. Even after going through turmoil, they still kept some capital.

When most people ate pickles and steamed buns, what Han Youzhi ate was the dried meat sent to him by his family. Whether it was clothes, shoes or pens, it could be seen that he had a good family background.

Bai Ya has scheming and means. In the countryside, a girl with fair skin and delicate skin like her is like a star.

As soon as she acts like a baby, someone will help her with work, and someone will save her money and send her things.

Bai Ya has always taken advantage of these people, but never made any promises to spend a lifetime with them.

After discovering that Han Youzhi's family was rich and well-off, Bai Ya made a decisive decision not to associate with other people.

When people said that she was being promiscuous and took advantage of other men, she justified that other people gave her gifts out of voluntary, but she never asked for anything, and she never accepted anything if others were willing. That's a waste of other people's thoughts. She didn't take advantage of anyone, but she did something good!

He also praised those people for their high awareness, willingness to help others, and solidarity and cooperation.

After hearing this, those men who had suffered a lot felt that it was very reasonable. What they were willing to do for Bai Ya didn't need anything in return, and they even praised Bai Ya in return.

Afterwards, Bai Ya started chasing Han Youzhi.

After going to the countryside, no one knows when they will be able to return to the city. There are no entertainment facilities in the countryside, except for farm work, which is just farm work, and ideological education. After a long time, people will lose interest in anything.

Han Youzhi began to look down on Bai Ya, but Bai Ya's day-to-day pursuit still aroused his interest. After the two had been ambiguous for a month, Han Youzhi agreed to have a date with Bai Ya. Announcing their relationship!

Most lesbians don't like Bai Ya, she is too scheming and too good at pretending to be innocent.

Gay men with enough IQ also don't like Bai Ya. Some people are so stupid that they are taken advantage of and count their money. They are not stupid.

People like Bai Ya have high spirits and high vision, and their targets have always been people like Han Youzhi. Once they treat them well, they must have other plans, so everyone keeps a certain distance from Bai Ya.

One is that he doesn't want to be used, and the other is that he doesn't want to be hated by the controlling Han Youzhi.

After the college entrance examination resumed, both Han Youzhi and Bai Ya took the exam, and both of them were admitted to university, but Han Youzhi did not do well in the exam, and almost failed to enter university.

Everyone thought that Han Youzhi and Bai Ya would get married, but not long after they entered university, they heard that Bai Ya had a car accident, and then Han Youzhi committed suicide, and Bai Ya cried like hell.

Bai Ya's actions moved the Han family. Han Youzhi's parents were grateful for Bai Ya's affection for their son, so they treated her as their own junior, and occasionally gave her some things, took her to meet some people, and said To take care of Bai Ya for their dead son.

After that, it was Bai Ya who pursued Ruan Sui.

During the few years in the countryside, Bai Ya regarded Ruan Sui, who was good-looking but the poorest and had younger siblings to support, and him, who committed crimes in his family, as a plague. He always had contempt and contempt, and often spoke ill of them.

Whenever a lesbian approaches them, Bai Ya will tell the other party that they must not marry Ruan Sui, otherwise they will have to serve a family of sisters-in-law and uncles in the future, and marrying him will implicate the whole family.

Bai Ya didn't like them, but she actually helped them avoid a lot of trouble.

Everyone has guessed Bai Ya's script, right?

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