The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3006 My family is all bosses (70)

"Don't pay attention to him, just tidy things up first." Ruan Sui stroked Ruan Tang's hair, Si Shaoqing's wolfish ambition should not be too obvious.

He came here on purpose today to be the head of the family, and it's too much to steal his job!

So, he found fault with the made bed again, saying that a corner of the quilt was not folded properly, the sheets were not made properly, and Ruan Tang didn't know what to say.

After picking the thorns, he swept and mopped the floor, fetched water and wiped the table and the bed board above Ruan Tang, and even cleaned the remaining four cabinets.

In half an hour, several people came one after another.

One was sent by her mother and nanny, who knew at a glance that the family was rich, named Zeng Pingping, and chose Li Hua's upper bunk bed.

She was head-to-head with the girl who had struck up a conversation with Si Shaoqing before, and they chatted immediately. It turned out that the girl was called Wang Ran, and her parents were both teachers, so she was from a good family background.

A melon-faced girl with glasses who looked silly and cute, named Zhang Xiaoxiao, chose Ruan Tang's upper bunk.

It's hard to say about the eye edge. As soon as Zhang Xiaoxiao came in, Ruan Tang felt kind, mainly because he looked so cute wearing glasses, and the other party was the first to see Ruan Tang, his eyes were full of surprise.

Ruan Tang thought narcissistically that Zhang Xiaoxiao might be a face control.

The same is true.

When I saw Ruan Tang, my eyes were full of surprises. After seeing Ruan Sui, I didn't even blink.

Knowing that Ruan Tang was in the lower berth, he threw his belongings to the upper berth at the first moment. One second the strong man, the next second the little wife introduced herself shyly to Ruan Tang and asked Ruan Tang to call her Xiaoxiao.

A cold light flashed across Ruan Sui's eyes watching this scene.

Boys must guard against it, and girls must guard against it too!

The last one, named Zhou Shaohua, was also sent by her mother and nanny. She was even more aloof than Wang Ran, with a bit of aloofness, so she was hard to get close to.

Ruan Tang introduced himself very politely, got to know each other, and then nothing happened.

"Why didn't you wipe it, it hasn't been wiped clean yet." Zhou Shaohua's mother looked at the bed board underneath with disgust, the dust on it was clearly visible.

She covered her nose with a handkerchief, then pointed directly at Ruan Sui with her finger, "Don't wipe the cabinet, come here and clean the bed first."

Ruan Tang raised his eyebrows and said in a distant tone, "I'm sorry, auntie, this is my brother, not the school hired to clean."

The other party didn't expect to be rejected, and his expression suddenly turned down: "What's wrong with your brother? He wiped so many places, why wipe one more bed board?"

"No, we've never met before. The biggest fate is that your daughter and I are roommates. That's all. My brother has no obligation to wipe the bed for you. Besides, your tone and gesture just now are too rude, so we are even more unreasonable." have a finger in the pie."

Only then did I meet for the first time, and I directed others to work.

If you have a better attitude, say that you are inconvenient, can you help me or something, and we can talk.

As soon as she came, she regarded herself as a queen, waiting for someone to serve her, so she would not accompany her!

"Mom, didn't you bring a nanny, let the nanny wipe it." Zhou Shaohua angrily threw the things on the bed, with a very aggressive tone, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Her mother slapped the nanny backhandedly: "Do you still have any insight that you are paid for nothing?"

The nanny hurriedly took the basin to fetch the water, Zhou Shaohua's mother was still saying that people's hearts are not ancient and the world is cold and selfish.

Seeing this scene, other people in the dormitory changed their faces.

10 more completed!

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