The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3062 The cannon fodder villain in the sister-in-law article (26)

An Internet celebrity called No One is allowed to eat Tutu was doing a live broadcast, but she stepped on the air and fell down the steps, and she did not know how many times her nose was hit and collapsed. She has been promoting herself with natural beauty, but her personality collapsed Not to mention, it scared away many fans at once.

Those male fans who were desperately throwing money at her ran to vomit one by one, and then called the police after vomiting. I can stand it.

She had just entered the hospital, and before the salvage surgery started, she heard the news that local rich fans were going to sue her for money back, and she almost couldn't come up in one breath.

After the Internet celebrity, there is a man named Li Deqiang in the division of justice.

He usually pretends to be gentle and gentle, and looks extremely qualified, but in private he has been talking bad things about his classmates, friends, family members, relatives, bosses, subordinates, and neighbors in the community, sowing discord among others. Many people have misunderstood each other because of him. !

Before going to bed that night, thinking about what happened at his girlfriend's house, he posted a circle of friends.

"Her parents are really hard-working. I have never met anyone who is more picky than them. They pretend to be noble and qualified. They even take care of such trivial things as me spitting on the ground and throwing rubbish. It's a pain in the ass. It's not that I've taken a liking to her for being rich and powerful, so I wouldn't lie low and serve as a servant, and she's still pretending to be a grandson in front of those two things!"

After the Moments were successfully sent, he turned off his phone and went to sleep.

The next morning, when I turned on the phone, I found hundreds of missed calls, and the text box was full.

He thought it was a spam message, and was about to check it, when the phone rang, it was a good brother of his.

As soon as he picked it up, the other party scolded: "Okay, you, I said that every time I fall in love, you are like my real father. You care about my relationship progress every day. It turns out that you are jealous that the girlfriend I found is better than you. Beautiful, rich, considerate, and gentle, you told me that my girlfriend is too snobby and petty to be a good person, and at the same time you said in front of my girlfriend that I am a straight man, cancerous, petty, soft-fed, and dirty. I am really blind to treat you as a brother, just wait, I will not let you go!"

Before the man could understand what was going on, another call came in.

"Don't doubt, I'm your aunt. You cry every day that you don't have a house and your girlfriend dislikes you. I'll give you all my pension to help you buy a house. You're fine. I took the money and said I was stingy, cold-blooded and ruthless. Mess with my son's marriage, and still say bad things about me to your uncle to make him divorce me. I just realized today that you are a black-hearted white-eyed wolf. Pay back the money! Give me back my one million immediately, or I will Just sue you, let you go bankrupt, let you go to jail!"

After the aunt, she was another subordinate of Li Deqiang, a college student who had only been a full-time student for half a year.

The other party's tone was quite calm: "Senior brother, I sincerely regard you as a senior brother. I told my family and friends that the seniors in this school take good care of me in the company. I didn't expect that your taking care of me is taking my credit and giving you a promotion and bonus." The salary is still pouring dirty water on me, fortunately I saw it early... The general manager asked me to inform you that I will come to pick up your things in the afternoon, and you have been fired."

Li Deqiang was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly realized that he complained about these things in the circle of friends, and set it to be privately visible. How did friends and aunts find out?

When Li Deqiang opened his circle of friends and saw the authority, he was completely dumbfounded and stunned.

It turned out to be visible to everyone.

It's over!

The name is all nonsense, there is absolutely no malice, if there is a name collision, I am sorry, the reader said that the name overlap was changed several times before, and the result is that some places have been changed and some places have been forgotten to make a mess.

I don't want to change it anymore, please let me give it a name!

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