The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3086 The cannon fodder villain in the sister-in-law article (50)

If the person in charge of the technical department wants to resign, of course he can't just submit a resignation letter and go through the approval of the chairman and general manager, but everyone can see that the other party's mind has been decided.

The two shareholders thought more than others. When they heard that they had lost tens of billions, it was only a conservative estimate. Then they thought about the way the chairman and general manager handled things and the enemies the Bai family had accumulated over the years. calculate.

If this momentum continues, it will be a matter of time before the Bai family falls.

It's better for them to get out as soon as possible.

Not only them, but those who are close friends with them should also remind the other party, don't stay in this Bai family, lest when you lose money, you have to jump off the building to end the rest of your life!

"You two?" Secretary An felt even more uneasy when he saw that the shareholders were about to quit.

These two are the major shareholders of the company, and they came here together to discuss important matters with Mr. Bai. As a result, both Mr. Bai and Mr. Bai have already left work.

Now that even these two major shareholders want to withdraw their shares, with their connections and prestige among shareholders, many people will surely follow suit. When the shareholders have withdrawn their capital, how can their company gain a foothold?

The two shareholders didn't say anything to death, but said: "Secretary An, when such a big event happened in the company, Mr. Bai and the general manager always have to give an explanation to us shareholders. Since the eldest lady's birthday is inconvenient, let's hold the meeting another day." Discuss, we have to go beforehand."

"It's better not to expand the matter about the company being attacked, so as not to disturb people's hearts and be detrimental to the company." Another said.

Taking advantage of the current momentum of Bai's, you can transfer the shares in your hand at a high price first, otherwise, when the news of the company's loss comes out and everyone starts to sell, it will be too late.

When Secretary An heard that the two were still thinking about the company's development, she felt a little comforted.

But the people in finance and legal affairs have problems again. After the people in the technical department, they also want to resign.

"Everyone, everyone, let's go slowly first? Let's talk about this after Mr. Bai and the young master go to work tomorrow, okay?" The HR manager was terrified.

With so many talents gone overnight, the Bai family is afraid that they will get rid of him too.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, you have to go through the procedures of Mr. Bai and Mr. Bai. Then I will inform the people in our department that it's time to get off work." The technical department left first.

In the past, a company similar to Bai's offered him an olive branch, but he didn't accept it, thinking of Bai's kindness, but this kindness, after so many years of hard work, has repaid them, he should also consider it for himself.

And those people under his command, which ones were not born with top talents, have a sense of responsibility and skills, and if he leaves, let those children stay in Bai's family and feel useless?

As soon as he arrived at the technical department, he saw that everyone was resting on the table, so he clapped his hands and said loudly, "Handsome men and women, it's time to get off work. I'll treat you tonight. If you don't get drunk, you won't come home."

"Ah? Minister, are you so generous?" Everyone couldn't believe it, let alone get off work so early.

"It's true, don't regret it if you don't come." He went straight to the office and packed up all his things, threw the unimportant ones into the trash can, put the important documents in the safe, and then left.

When the others saw it, they were both strange and puzzled as to what was going on.

A girl suddenly said: "Is it because I can't stand the idiots and want to resign?"

The others froze for a moment, and looked at Minister Liu, who suddenly smiled: "I have good observation skills. I, the minister who is about to leave the post, treat me to a treat. Is there anyone willing to show respect?"

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