The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3110 The cannon fodder villain in the sister-in-law article (74)

Seeing what happened in the Lin family, netizens said that their cognition has been refreshed again.

It's not enough to support his own blood-sucking family with his wife's money, but he also has a mistress and a mistress' family. This is really a "good man".

What made countless women angry was that the illegitimate child was only one month younger than the young master of the Lin family.

It can be seen that when they were newly married, they got together with the so-called mistress!

There are also speculations that these three are classmates, the mistress and Ms. Lin are even roommates, and the mistress and the scumbag are childhood sweethearts. It is hard to guarantee that they did not plot against Ms. Lin in order to live a prosperous and rich life, and cheated Ms. Lin together, just for the end. Get the property of the Lin family.

Many people liked this comment, saying that the possibility sounds great.

And it is true.

When she found out that the scumbag intentionally abandoned her for the sake of glory and wealth, the mistress took the initiative to take a step back, saying that she was willing to give up their relationship in order to fulfill the scumbag's dream, but she would never fall in love with anyone again. Love is reserved for him alone!

The scumbag was moved to tears and couldn't bear to part with his mistress, so he kept in contact with each other under the guise of taking care of fellow villagers and classmates.

After the mistress became pregnant, they even thought about changing the child, but Mr. Lin was still there, so they gave up their vicious plan because they didn't have a chance to do it.

Someone guessed this.

Ms. Lin didn't hide anything from her side, and even pushed her to spread the truth, ruining the reputation of the scumbag and his mistress, making them stink, and making the scumbag lose the chance to bite her and her son!

Lin Xiao only saw the news after the party in the village. He saw that the father he admired the most wanted to replace him with his illegitimate son, and let the illegitimate son occupy his status and enjoy his mother's love and care. Calling that vicious and disgusting woman his mother, he was disgusted and vomited directly after drinking a lot.

The assistant helped Lin Xiao wash and clean up. Long Xiu read the news and said with emotion: "Oh, there are tens of thousands of scumbags in this world, and each one is more poisonous than the other!"

Her uncle and second uncle, one is her father's younger brother, and the other is her mother's elder brother. They have been taking benefits from her family since she can remember.

So does that scumbag of the Lin family.

If you get the best woman and the best wife, you should be content, otherwise, with his virtue, you will never be able to marry a capable and excellent wife like Ms. Lin even in your dreams!

But he is not satisfied, he does not eat delicacies from mountains and seas, but insists on eating porridge and cabbage, it is still rancid, there is something wrong with it!

The family that adopted Lan Kai is even worse. They have taken over the fund left by Lan Kai's parents, but also stole his paintings as their own. They already have fame and fortune, but they still accuse Lan Kai of not being able to make money. What about face?

"Then come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair." Ruan Tang said.

Long Xiu regained his energy in an instant: "Ruan Tang, master, can I succeed with you as my teacher, can you teach me? I don't want to be as good as you, as long as I can learn a little bit, I will be satisfied."

"It's getting late, it's suitable for dreaming, take a good rest."

Ruan Tang patted her on the shoulder and led Ruan Yu back to the room to rest, followed by Kuang Jiu.

Long Xiu's face was solemn, it seemed that Ruan Tang was going to teach her spells in her dream!

She can't miss this opportunity!

"You continue to admire the moon, I went to my dream to learn spells from a teacher."

Lan Kai: "..."

Could it be that he misunderstood?

In fact, Ruan Tang was not joking, but really wanted to teach in a dream?

Long Xiu: I am also someone who can become a celestial master

Lan Kai: In a dream?

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