The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3151 Sadomasochism Cannon Fodder She Strikes (5)

When Ruan Tang arrived at the door of the dormitory, it happened that the door was not closed, leaving a small gap. She had just walked in when she heard someone in the dormitory discussing her figure.

Without even hesitating, Ruan Tang kicked the door open, and saw four bewildered or shocked or terrified faces inside.

Still holding a foreign classic in his hand, Yan Wan with a dull face, a scholarly family, gentle personality, usually very quiet, never showed any disdain for the original owner, considered a better classmate.

There are three remaining, one is Lin Feier, a rich second generation. Although the original owner's father also runs a business, it is far inferior to Lin Feier's family.

Lin Feier is delicate and arrogant, but she has a good figure and looks. She is a flower in the Chinese Department.

Probably because she never thought that Ruan Tang would kick the door and get angry. At this moment, she was shocked, and after the shock, she showed an angry expression.

The rest, one named Yin Xiaoxuan, also majored in Chinese, is very gossipy and always likes to speak ill of people behind their backs.

The other is Liu Yin, who is from the mechanical department. He was born in a small county in the northwest. He has a low self-esteem, but he is arrogant and confident in front of the original owner.

People over there think that studying liberal arts is stupid and has a low IQ, and studying science is a way out after a high IQ, so the university applied for mechanical engineering.

Her parents sent her off when she registered for the university, and when she arrived at the dormitory, she heard that the other five majored in liberal arts. She was worried that the girls who studied literature would spoil their daughter if they didn't study hard and love to play around. The couple left with regret.

Only the original owner, Bei Shengsheng and Yanwan knew about this episode, otherwise, with Lin Feier's temper and Yin Xiaoxuan's narrow-mindedness, Liu Yin would never have become good friends with them anyway.

That's right, in the six-person dormitory, the last one is Bei Shengsheng, also from the Chinese Department.

Yan Wan spends most of his time with books, and his daily life is very simple, classrooms, dormitories, restaurants, and libraries are basically on the four-point line. He has a quiet personality and is not very talkative.

The other three looked down on the original owner, and kept saying bad things about the original owner behind their backs, viciously smearing the original owner in front of other students, and the original owner basically had nothing to do with them.

There is only Bei Shengsheng. The two have known each other since high school. After college, one school, one major, and one dormitory. Good friend.

But the price of being friends with Bei Shengsheng is too high!

Putting all these aside, Ruan Tang saw the three staring at him with displeasure.

"Some people really don't have any manners at all. They don't want to kick the door with their feet and disturb others' rest!" Yin Xiaoxuan likes to charge forward and be the vanguard.

Ruan Tang glanced at her: "A mouth is for eating, breathing, and speaking human words, not for gossiping and spreading rumors. If you can't even speak human words, it's better to sew it up."

Yin Xiaoxuan: "..."

She looked at Ruan Tang suspiciously, then at Lin Feier and Liu Yin, her eyes were filled with surprise.

what happened?

A person who has always been told that he would not resist a word, why did he suddenly start to fight back today?

Lin Feier and Liu Yin were also very surprised, and soon Liu Yin said: "Ruan Tang, you are too much, Xiaoxuan is just reminding you not to kick the door, she has good intentions, but you actually scolded her like that."

Ruan Tang: "Did you hear me scolding her? Did I mention her name? Or do you think Yin Xiaoxuan is the kind of cancer that I say is like a gossiping woman who does nothing all day long and spreads rumors?"

Liu Yin: "..."

No, she's not, she doesn't!

So cool!

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