The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3155 Sadomasochism Cannon Fodder She Strikes (9)

The three of them didn't know whether they were frightened by the coldness in Ruan Tang's eyes, or they knew that such a quarrel would be fruitless, so they died down and went back to their own beds listlessly.

Ruan Tang ignored them, she was still feeling uncomfortable, poured herself a glass of water and fell asleep straight away.

The dormitory was quiet again, but except for Ruan Tang, no one was quiet.

Yan Wan peeked at Ruan Tang several times, with admiration and admiration in his eyes, as well as excitement.

The other three dissed Ruan Tang frantically in their small group of three.

[Liu Yin]: It's too much, she's too much, she threw my skirt and my clothes directly into the trash can, it pissed me off, really pissed me off!

[Yin Xiaoxuan]: What's the use of being angry, she even knows our account number, if we insist on arguing with her and making her pay for our clothes, maybe she will be angered and she will go to the teacher directly, and our reputation will be ruined by then. If it is ruined, it may be punished. Don't forget that a senior sister was warned for slandering people before, and it will be kept in the file, and job hunting will also be affected.

[Liu Yin]: Then what should we do? Could it be that we can only be angry with her and suffer this loss?

[Lin Feier]: Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and we have plenty of time in the future.

[Yin Xiaoxuan]: Based on my experience in the public opinion field for many years, she has never resisted anyone since she entered school, and she must be thinking about the gentleman's revenge for ten years. Maybe she has been collecting us to scold her in private Evidence, and then want to make a big one, kill us all!

[Liu Yin]: We didn't scold her, and we didn't lie, she was already fat, she was already fat.

[Yin Xiaoxuan]: But after she lay down, the bed didn't shake three times, and you didn't bounce it up. This is exaggerating the facts, spreading rumors, and slandering. Don't talk about finding the school teacher. She will call the police or sue you in the court, and the court will accept it. , and will ask you to give her money to apologize!

Having been in the gossip field for many years, Yin Xiaoxuan still knows a little about the law in this area. She especially likes to gossip about others and gossip about them behind their backs, but she has always learned to keep her sense of proportion and never put her in a dangerous situation.

After Yin Xiaoxuan finished speaking, Liu Yin fell silent.

[Lin Feier]: Xiaoxuan is right, just like those celebrities, someone blackmailed them, they sued, once something happened out of nothing, then the sunspots will never win, an apology is the most basic, serious to jail.

Immediately, Liu Yin became even more frightened.

What she said on the forum was not only that Ruan Tang would be shocked when he lay down on the bed with all his fat, and that he would smell like a fat man after taking a shower. She also said many more exaggerated things than this.

If Ruan Tang really finds the teacher or sues her, will she go to jail?

[Yin Xiaoxuan]: Be careful in the future, try not to talk about her in the dormitory, anyway, don't let her hear it, and don't leave evidence on the forum, since she can find everyone's information on the forum, it means she has some skills, don't Got caught again.

She and Lin Feier both know the law, know what is good and what is bad, but they are unscrupulous and lawless when facing Ruan Tang, because Ruan Tang looks a little weak and inferior and does not resist, because He knew in his heart that no matter how much they went too far, Ruan Tang would not fight back.

But now it's different.

Ruan Tang has changed, she is no longer silent, no longer patient, she has become articulate, bold and ruthless, she is no longer afraid of them or even ignores them at all!

At this time, provocative in person, that is to die.

bullying nature

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