The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3183 Sadomasochism Cannon Fodder She Strikes (37)

The roadblock was unsuccessful, and everything was handled in accordance with legal procedures.

If the circumstances are serious, they will be recorded, and the school will punish them according to their behavior. As for Liu Yin and the girl, they will stay in school for observation.

People with mild circumstances, like Lin Feier and Yin Xiaoxuan, received different punishments such as warnings, serious warnings, demerits, and school probation.

Yin Xiaoxuan was a demerit, while Lin Feier was a serious warning.

After clearly knowing the attitudes of Ruan Tang and Yu Xiu, the school handled it very quickly.

Jingzhou University does not lack a liberal arts champion, nor does it lack a genius in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

But if such two people drop out of school and go to high school, and get double champions next year, and the media interviews them why they dropped out and retake the exam, and they say that they were treated unfairly and the school shielded criminals, then the reputation of Jingzhou University will be terrible. It's all ruined!

In the long run, it is natural that it is more reliable to follow the rules.

Those in the school who were punished, one or two, were busy writing self-criticisms, deleting posts to apologize, and regretting.

Both Lin Feier and Yin Xiaoxuan apologized to Ruan Tang face to face, for fear that Ruan Tang would sue them if he was unhappy.

Even if they won't be sentenced at that time, the process will be exhausting enough. Others will know that the two of them joined forces to insult a fat girl and target the fat girl in isolation. The fat man is targeting!

They don't want to be frightened again.

Ruan Tang heard the apology, but it was impossible to forgive. The two were a little annoyed, but they didn't dare to make trouble again.

As for the others in the school, seeing Ruan Tang and Yu Xiu walking around the school holding hands, seeing Yu Xiu eating Ruan Tang's unfinished meal, waiting for her to go to self-study after class, and so on, they didn't have the guts to talk nonsense. up.

To prosecute those who spread rumors, the school will naturally notify the families of those students. Some parents came to the school to find Ruan Tang when they saw the children who were still in the detention center, hoping to get an understanding and settle it with money.

Everyone speaks righteously and confidently. My child is still young. He doesn’t know the law. He didn’t mean it. Pushed to a dead end, it is not easy for them to train a college student...

Ruan Tang thought, who is easier?

The original owner fell ill later, and there was a large part of the reason for the insult and ridicule of her body at the beginning.

She just retaliates and makes these people pay the price!

Furthermore, what they cultivate is not a talent, but a scourge.

Whether this kind of person enters a private company or some other institution, it is a scourge.

Yu Xiu stayed with Ruan Tang all the time, and when the parents approached him, he told them coldly: "If you keep pestering and threatening, we will call the police, and then you can go in and be with your children."

After all, those people had a guilty conscience. They found someone to understand the relevant laws, and then left in disgrace.

So far, Ruan Tang's ears are really relaxed.

She had dinner with Yu Xiu, when Lin Feier and Yin Xiaoxuan were not there when they returned to the dormitory, Yan Wan was reading.

After seeing her, he immediately dropped the book, "Ruan Tang, Bei Shengsheng is not here for the past two days, is she okay?"

I went to work part-time on Sunday, and today is Wednesday.

Ruan Tang asked 477 to check, and what he saw was a picture of Bei Shengsheng curled up in a man's arms.

She shook her head: "I don't know, we have no contact now."

It turned out that the plot started early.

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