The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3319 The prince insists on being a son-in-law (83)

Even though she lacked confidence, when Ruan Wen came to Ruan Tang, she still tried her best to put on a strong appearance.

She came up and asked, "What do you mean, talking to your parents like that on purpose, thinking that you can snatch my Bai Lang away?"

Now, father and mother only think about the family's business and reputation, and don't consider her mood at all, so they believed what the elder sister said when they were provoked by the elder sister.

But she didn't believe it!

The eldest sister she knew would never submit to her parents' arrangement.

The eldest sister is very assertive, and she has no way to refute this point. If the eldest sister really listened to her parents, there must be some shady conspiracy.

It must be that the eldest sister can't see that she is favored by her parents and can still get the most beautiful love in the world. She is jealous that she has such a perfect life, so she wants to sabotage and take away her happiness!

Both Qiao Fei and Qiao Lin were speechless.

Uncle and aunt desperately wanted to cover up the stupid thing she did, but she wanted to make it public so that the whole world would know about her and Bai Shuzhuo's affairs.

With this kind of daughter who can only go against her, it is really a rare thing that her uncle and aunt are still alive!

The two looked at Ruan Tang at the same time, and then saw their free-spirited cousin suddenly showing her daughter's delicate appearance, and even blushed on her face.

"Second sister, what are you talking about? Do you mean that Mr. Bai is not so outstanding and worthy of my admiration? So in your eyes, Mr. Bai is not worthy of being truly liked?" Ruan Tang said softly.

Qiao Fei Qiao Lin: "..."

I just hope that these words of my cousin will never reach the ears of the Seventh Prince.

Otherwise, both of them will suffer!

But my father said that the prince is also very possessive.

Let him know that my cousin expresses her love for another person, I'm afraid she will become jealous and take the blame on others.

Ruan Wen was also taken aback.

She thought Ruan Tang was jealous of her, but the shyness on Ruan Tang's face did not seem to be fake.

Could it be that big sister really likes Bai Lang?

Her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly became uneasy, but she pretended to be calm and indifferent, "Big sister, don't provoke me with such words, I'm not a parent, so I won't fall for your tricks, what are your schemes?" It's better to admit it to your parents earlier, otherwise your parents will find out, and you will have good fruit to eat!"

Hearing her "kindness", Ruan Tang said politely: "Second sister's words are really interesting. In the past, you were the only ones who plotted against me. I grew up in the countryside and have never seen the world. Does the village girl who went out know what scheming is?"

Ruan Wen: "..."

Obviously these are the words that they would say every time they mentioned Big Sister, but when Big Sister said it herself, it had a very harsh taste.

If the woman in front of me is a village girl who is calm and generous, like a fairy in the world, then what is she?


"Besides, why didn't Second Sister ask me if I really admire Mr. Bai?" Ruan Tang asked again.

Ruan Wen didn't want to face this problem at all, because the eldest sister she saw was completely different from the woman in her memory, she was a person whom many men could not help but fall in love with.

Even if Bai Lang only has her in his heart, what about the Bai family?

Faced with the huge dowry promised by their parents, could they be as calm and unmoved as Bai Lang?

What if those members of the Bai family threatened Bai Lang with their lives, and Bai Lang fell into the dilemma of choosing her or his family?

People who eat melons: @小遥王, you are green

Ji Huaijin: Come on, let's make a decision!

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