The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3363 The prince insists on being a son-in-law (127)

People from Ruan's house, Mr. Ruan and Mrs. Ruan naturally didn't know about it.

But when Ji Huaijin's people came to visit, they just didn't want to know.

"Dare to ask, brother, you just said that you want to see me?"

The butler asked the question a second time, but he still couldn't believe it. The person the guards in front of them were looking for was Miss Ruan Mansion.

He knew that the eldest lady was not the clumsy person that the old lady said, but he didn't expect that the eldest lady knew such a big man.

He didn't know much, but he knew that the clothes worn by these twenty guards were specially worn by some princes and nobles in Shangjing.

But the person in front of him is a guard!

Even the guards in the mansion are wearing the clothes that should be worn by noble people, so how noble should their master be?

The leading guards are Jia Si and Xiao Liu, and the taciturn Jia Si only has four words: "Miss Ruan."

That idiot Lao Qi, if he could deliver the mistress's letter earlier, he wouldn't have to make the master rush day and night.

Sure enough, A should be sued.

Lao Qi's punishment cannot be lightened.

The talkative and lively Xiao Liuze smiled and winked at the housekeeper: "We are going to visit Miss Ruan, the spring gift that my master ordered us to give to Miss Ruan has arrived, I will know how to deal with these gifts when I see Miss Ruan .”

It's been an hour since the prince arrived. With their speed, they will be scolded sooner or later.

It's better to find a fair reason to meet the princess first.

Anyway, what the old five and old generals said so well to the concubine, there are many brothers who have been bewitched, if he can't get along with the prince, he will go to the concubine!


He was shocked.

After taking a few breaths, the butler said, "Wait a minute, I'll go find the eldest lady."

Knowing that the matter was of great importance, the housekeeper asked his confidant to send a message to Master Ruan and Mrs. Ruan before going to the old lady's yard.

Otherwise, if the master and wife find out, they will punish him again.

Seeing that the attitude of the housekeeper had changed, the servants at the gate of the Ruan Mansion naturally did not dare to neglect Ji Huaijin's people.

But no matter whether it is Jiasi or Xiaoliu, they are all people who have undergone rigorous training. Although their personalities are different and they will play foolishly on certain occasions, they will not lose the chain at critical moments.

When Ruan Tang and Qiao Fei Qiao Lin came out, they still maintained the posture they had when they came.

Jia Si, Xiao Liu and the others have never seen Ruan Tang, but they have seen Ruan Tang's portrait a long time ago. Their master/prince draws masterpieces every time he dreams, and there is a special courtyard in the palace It is used to store the portraits of the mistress/princess.

All the secret guards who were close to him had seen the portraits.

"A Si/Xiao Liu led the brothers to meet the eldest lady."

Twenty people knelt down on one knee at the same time. Their neat and orderly movements and greetings that resounded through the sky made Master Ruan, Mrs. Ruan Ruan Wen and others who rushed over after hearing the news, stop in their tracks.

Ruan Tang glanced at the crowd, but didn't see Jia Qi, and said, "Get up."

"Miss Xie!" Then everyone stood up.

Master Ruan, Mrs. Ruan and the others rushed over, just in time to see the scene where everyone obeyed Ruan Tang's orders.

Their hearts trembled, and they looked at each other, seeing shock, disbelief, and regret in each other's eyes.

Both Wen'er and Qi'er are unreliable, but it's the big girl who has made a fortune first?

Then the two of them drove a golden phoenix out of the house...

Ruan Wen and Bai Shuzhuo behind them looked even more complicated than them.

Ruan Wen was shocked and puzzled.

But Bai Shuzhuo had other thoughts.

Xiao Yi: There are a group of subordinates who want to betray all the time, how much hair do you think I can have left?

Xiao Wu Xiao Liu Xiao Ba: Hehehe

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