The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3551 I am a master in the last days (5)

If a base wants to survive for a long time, food and weapons are the key, and security cannot be underestimated.

Xigua and Erqiao were both experts in this field before the end of the world. After joining Xingchenju, their job is to restore power and communication.

Easier said than done, when all the infrastructure has been destroyed and the satellites are all out of contact, it is very difficult to rebuild.

But they were done anyway.

Ruan Tang looked over, and the two nodded at the same time.

Watermelon said: "Boss, it's done."

The success this time was not due to the two of them and the members of the security department. The data provided by the boss was the most important thing.

Ruan Tang guessed it before, but he was still a little excited at the moment, and said, "Let's go and have a look."

As soon as they go out, the staff passing through the base will greet Ruan Tang when they see him, boss, boss, boss Ruan, sister Tang...

There are various names, but what remains unchanged is their gratitude and respect to Ruan Tang.

Xigua and Er Qiao, who have been with Ruan Tang for more than two years, are used to this look.

After the end of the world, the morality and rule of law that had been perfected in the original world for thousands of years no longer existed. Human beings were like advanced species in animal skins. Soon they learned the way of killing the weak and the strong without a teacher.

People with supernatural powers use their powers to humiliate, oppress, bully and kill at will. There are no ordinary people. Adults kill children and women at will. A woman with a little bit of beauty, once she has no ability to resist and no one protects her, she will soon become a "supernatural" A tool for the strong to vent their anger.

Many women and children here were rescued by Ruan Tang and his teammates from vicious and inhuman animals when they went out to do missions.

They think that women and children who have no abilities and cannot kill zombies are wastes and burdens. They don’t treat them as human beings. They humiliate them and abuse them at the same time to satisfy their desire for power that has been suppressed for a long time. Control and the release of animal desires.

But Ruan Tang didn't think so.

Having supernatural powers and evolving does not mean immortality.

For the base to develop, there must be people.

Where do people come from?

Made by science?


Ruan Tang did not expect that kind of world.

Although a certain experience in the last days has been a long time ago, she still remembers clearly how heartbroken and regretful she was when she lost the stars and the sea.

She also created the empire at that time. Women and children are precious wealth, and she requires all personnel to protect them.

It is the same now.

When Ruan Tang brought these people back, he didn't raise them for nothing. He raised them up to be useless and ignorant.

Although most of those women who were bullied had no strength or supernatural powers, their value was the same as that of other people.

In her base, few people wear tattered clothes, because there are a group of ingenious girls who can mend clothes with needles and threads.

Many people have been hurt physically and mentally by the blows of the last days. There are also the best actors and singers performing the most exciting programs here to relieve their boredom and enrich everyone's spiritual world.

Elderly old people, those who know how to farm the land help to farm the land, those who know how to make handicrafts, and those who are knowledgeable write books and compile teaching materials, no one will be regarded as waste.

As for children, they will study in simple classrooms, benevolent, righteous, courteous, wise and trustworthy, legal, moral and human. They will not be allowed to grow wildly in such a world without civilization at all.

It is precisely because of the continuation of civilization and love here that they are full of love and respect for the boss Ruan Tang who created all this.

Only then will I want everything that the defender has hard-won from the bottom of my heart!

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