The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3580 I am the Lord in the last days (34)

Although Chen Ruyu and Gou Jinyue fought hard, they still could not escape the fate of going to the septic tank.

But someone watched them in person, and they couldn't die in a short time.

The person who gave the order, Ruan Tang, said to his subordinates: "Send out the news that Gou Jinyue and Chen Ruyu surrendered themselves in order to get pork."

Others understand as soon as they think about it.

Seeing Ruan Tang's listless look, Hua Yu laughed.

In fact, many people outside are questioning the recruitment conditions offered by Xingchenju, thinking that Ruan Tang is deliberately making a gimmick to attract the attention of the outside world.

Because it's the end of the world, not to mention pigs, sheep, chickens and dogs, even stronger animals can't survive. Now it's almost impossible to find live poultry.

If you haven't tasted it or seen it with your own eyes, you won't believe it.

The most skeptical voice is Xiangguo.

Their leader is a woman, and the leader of Xingchenju is also a woman, but the reputation of these two leaders, whether in the base or outside, is said to be good and the other bad.

To put it bluntly, that is a world of difference.

It's no wonder that Ruan Xiang can't see Ruan Tang's reputation for corrupting Xingchenju.

But this time the news that Chen Ruyu and Gou Jinyue surrendered for pork will reduce those doubts.

At the same time, those members of Xiang State who are dissatisfied with Ruan Xiang, Lei Ting and others will also leave Xiang State to find their next foothold.

Star House is a good choice.

The most important thing is that this news will make Ruan Xiang jump in anger.

The man who said he loved her and would never leave her until his death gave up on her for a piece of pork. Doesn't that mean that she can't even compare to a piece of pork?

I'm afraid Ruan Xiang will die of anger.


When the news came that Chen Ruyu and Gou Jinyue had surrendered for pork, Ruan Xiang was losing his temper.

Because of some bad news they heard outside, Lei Ting and Yun Zhan Xiao Fang both slowed down their pace, and when they returned to the base, it was already the next day.

Ruan Xiang thought they had won the battle after spending so much time, and asked the subordinates to prepare a celebration banquet, but saw several men with gloomy faces.

There are no supplies, no weapons, and more than half of the people sent out.

The people staying at the base immediately noticed something was wrong, and asked what happened, whether they encountered high-level zombies, or were they attacked by people from Xingchenju.

Ruan Xiang was also waiting for an answer. Seeing that they returned so many people for nothing, he suddenly became angry, "What's the matter with you, I will give you people, so you are leading the team like this?"

Lei Ting remained silent.

Xiao Fang explained: "Xingchenju and Huahai joined forces."

Everyone else was taken aback, the two bases actually joined forces?

Ruan Xiang's complexion changed, revealing a gloomy look. He didn't know what to think of, then shook his head quickly, and said firmly: "Impossible."

That man is clearly a heartless devil.

At the beginning, she just wanted to touch him, but he pinched her neck and threw her on the wall, causing serious injuries.

How could such an arrogant and ruthless man form an alliance with others?

"Xiangxiang, have you met the leader of Huahai?" This is Yun Zhan, and he glanced at Lei Ting secretly.

In fact, Ruan Xiang's reaction just now made them all believe what that kid Huahai said.

But I still don't give up and want to get an answer myself.

Ruan Xiang looked over and said casually: "It's not really a meeting, after all, it's a long distance away, but I don't think such a person would bend down to ally with an incompetent base..."

Yun Zhan suddenly laughed.

Ruan Xiang was interrupted by laughter full of disappointment and sadness

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