The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3585 I am the Lord in the last days (39)

Mrs. Ruan left with Ruan Yuming's half hug and half support.

When she was leaving, she looked back intently, hoping that Ruan Xiang was just angry on impulse, not really thinking that way.

In the last days, except for those women who have no supernatural powers like her who volunteered to seek asylum, most of them have a very hard and difficult life.

As the mother of the leader of the base, she has a very high status in the base even if she does not have any decision-making and execution power.

Ruan Xiang is filial to her and takes care of her, Lei Ting Yunzhan and others who are second only to Ruan Xiang respect her and respect her...

Unexpectedly, the daughter she loves the most and is the proudest, looks down on her from the bottom of her heart, calling her a waste and a burden, and complaining why she was not bitten to death by zombies!

"What's the matter? Xiangxiang was not like this before. She has been so considerate, filial, sensible and obedient since she was a child. She has always been our little padded jacket, our proud little princess..."

While talking, recalling Ruan Xiang's attitude towards them in the past two years, Mrs. Ruan couldn't continue.

In fact, they had noticed a long time ago that Ruan Xiang didn't love them that much, but they didn't want to believe in their hearts that how could such a good child become a cold-blooded animal in the end of the world.

Ruan Yuming saw it more clearly than Mrs. Ruan.

It's just that the more clearly you see it, the more chilling you become.

He probably knew why Ruan Xiang's attitude changed.

Ruan Xiang was an orphan. From the moment they were chosen to adopt her, all she could do was hold on to them, please them filially, and bind her firmly to them.

She had nothing before adoption.

It was the Ruan family who gave her glory and wealth, the best education and connections, and everything!

But slowly, their love for the adopted daughter exceeded the limit, allowing the adopted daughter to gain a firm foothold in the Ruan family and even in the upper circles, giving her the power to make decisions, allowing her to intervene in group affairs, and giving her ambition.

Afterwards, Ruan Xiang gained their trust and respect through the predictive ability endowed by heaven, and allowed her to sell her property to replace supplies and weapons, and helped her establish a base to control the power...

Now she has become the leader of the base with tens of millions of people. She has powerful abilities, space and supplies, her own team and an obedient lover. She has the power to control the lives and deaths of others, and she no longer needs to be controlled by others.

Exclude the Ruan family from the sphere of power, keep everyone in the Ruan family away from the government affairs of the base, let them have supernatural powers, such as Ruan Zhu and his sister's family, to do dangerous and useless tasks, let them get hurt, let them Lose their abilities and let them be discriminated against and bullied.

And someone like Liu Qingyi who loves her wholeheartedly is like treating Yun Zhan Xiao Fang and the others, coaxing them with sweet words while letting them go through life and death for her until the last drop of blood is shed.

Ruan Xiang treats his relatives in the prime of life and abilities in the same way, so naturally there is no need to curry favor with the two old fellows.

There is no need to pretend to be true anymore.

However, she seemed to have forgotten that it was the Ruan family's inexhaustible wealth that allowed her to accumulate materials and weapons, and gave her the capital to transform.

Now that I have achieved my goal, I want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and it depends on whether they agree or not!

Mrs. Ruan was still crying and sad.

Ruan Yuming, who sees through everything, feels like falling into an ice cellar.

At the beginning, they were confused by the adoptive daughter's pretending to be well-behaved, sensible, considerate, considerate and filial, and even gave up looking for their own daughter for the sake of the adopted daughter, but now they got such a result.

I don't know if it's retribution.

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