The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3610 I am the Lord in the last days (64)

The divorce was unsuccessful because Ruan Yuming couldn't take it anymore and slapped Liu Xiaohan.

Liu Xiaohan felt that she had suffered the greatest grievance in her life, and felt uncomfortable, so she went to complain to her considerate and gentle little padded jacket.

It is easy for others to believe the accusations made by the biological mother against the child.

Liu Xiaohan blamed Ruan Tang for what Ruan Xiang had done, saying that Ruan Tang wanted to take back everything that belonged to her, wanted to destroy Ruan Xiang, robbed supplies, snatched boyfriends, and sowed quarrels and poached people.

Not to mention, 70% to 80% of the people in the Hunan base believed it.

With the peace of mind, Ruan Xiang was relieved, and his attitude towards Liu Xiaohan was much better.

Although he is a stupid, selfish and brainless waste, but being brainless has the benefits of being brainless, and being selfish has the value of being selfish.

In the same way, let Ruan Yuming talk to Ruan Zhu, the effect may not even be half of what it is now.

Therefore, after Liu Xiaohan filed a complaint, Ruan Xiang took her to seek an explanation.

Ruan Xiang is the leader, but he has no right to restrict other people's divorce.

What's more, the other party is her adoptive father.

Ruan Yuming was fed up with Liu Xiaohan's stupidity and selfishness. He was led away by others and still thought he was right. Liu Xiaohan like this would kill them sooner or later.

No matter what others say, he just wants a divorce.

Ruan Xiang dissuaded her, but Liu Xiaohan kept crying.

Ruan Yuming was so angry that he had a headache and went out for a walk to relax, when he ran into Yun Zhan who happened to lead the team back.

When Yun Zhan came, he had already heard the news that the couple was going to divorce. Seeing Ruan Yuming's face was livid and distressed, he seemed to say something unintentionally.

"There is no Civil Affairs Bureau now, who cares about your divorce and marriage."

Whether you want to get married or leave, isn't it all your own decision?

Ruan Yuming suddenly understood.


This is not Xingchenju. Firstly, there is no law, and secondly, there is no Civil Affairs Bureau. Why does he care so much?

So he stopped wandering, and asked Ruan Zhu to help him move when he returned, and found a place to live by himself.

Liu Xiaohan was dumbfounded.

But things are irreversible.

Because of this incident, Liu Xiaohan suddenly became the laughing stock of many people who were looked down upon by her before.

The hype is being talked about, but in fact, the husband who has been in love with you for decades has left you like escaping the plague?

Not long after Ruan Yuming moved out, there were rumors in the base that Liu Xiaohan was ill from anger.

He doesn't care.

All he wanted to do now was to leave this place and see his own daughter.


"Ruan Xiang wants to see me?"

Hearing this request, Ruan Tang was a little surprised. She thought that Ruan Xiang, who had occupied the magpie's nest and even copied the original owner's success history, would be ashamed to see her.

Hua Yu nodded: "The news is accurate. She is already on her way to Yuan City. Huamao said that she wants to occupy Yuan City and build a power plant or something."

Ruan Tang was not surprised at all.

How did the original owner succeed? Ruan Xiang copied it exactly.

Ruan Xiang didn't have her own opinion on what to do at each stage, and all she did was the original owner's previous arrangements.

A shameless plagiarist, but he was regarded as a wise savior.

It's also ridiculous enough.

"What is she doing in Yuancheng? Does Yuancheng have any resources for her to use?" Ruan Tang sneered, "I want to occupy Yuancheng first and monitor Xingchen Residence at close range. The next thing to do is to destroy Xingchen Residence. ?”

Hua Yu also felt that she had heard a big joke.

He looked at Ruan Tang with a playful look in his eyes, "If she wants to dream, it depends on whether we are willing or not."

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