The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3614 I am the Lord in the last days (68)

Ruan Xiang didn't expect her eyesight to be so bad.

The handsome guy who usually looks like a dog, unexpectedly turned out to be a well-dressed beast.

A big man with supernatural powers, he was afraid of zombies, he hid behind a woman for shelter, he even ran away...

Soon, Ruan Xiang didn't have the heart to hate those trash.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is deserters, because even one deserter can easily affect the morale of the entire army.

Not to mention that the deserters here in Ruan Xiang are all important figures.

The others were rushing forward, but the leader's favorite male pet stayed and retreated, fleeing for their lives. The ordinary soldiers were stunned when they saw it.

Even the people above are greedy for life and afraid of death and only care about their own lives. What reason do they have to work hard?

The boss's life is his life, so is theirs?

Anyway, even if they don't try their best, there will always be someone who will fight the zombies to show their strength. They might as well hide temporarily like those people, and wait until the war is over to distribute the supplies!

At this moment, Ruan Xiang is not the leader.

Because her orders were not listened to at all.

No matter how Ruan Xiang yelled, scolded, or ordered, some people kept retreating, running away, and hiding.

Ruan Xiang shouted until his voice became hoarse, and he was about to die of anger, but it didn't help.

Seeing that the general situation is over, and even she can't guarantee whether she can evacuate safely, Ruan Xiang is about to retreat.

"Leader, let's retreat first!" The few people who had been fighting to the death were also shaken, how could they win with only a few of them!

"Yes, leader, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. We didn't lose, we just ran into pig teammates."

After saying this, Ruan Xiang's face burned.

It's the pig teammate that's right.

But she was the one who took it into the base and brought it out.

"Leader, let's evacuate first, there are always places where zombies can't find."

After all, there is only one theme, evacuation, escape.

Ruan Xiang persisted for a long time, but was finally pulled away by a group of loyal men.

When she left, she was very reluctant, struggled for a long time, and even injured two of her subordinates. Anyone could see her courage and courage in wanting to fight the zombies to the death.

This also made those who protected her leave even more admiration and respect for her.

Ruan Xiang and others hid in a large underground shopping mall. The zombies couldn't find it for a while, and they finally took a breath.

But they didn't know that just after they left, a group of people chased the zombies into the source city, and then killed all the zombies.

"Brother Hua, the brothers have discovered an underground supermarket. No one has ever entered it before, and there are a lot of supplies." A soldier in an auspicious suit was full of excitement.

The others also showed joyful smiles when they heard this.

Originally, it was just to encircle and suppress zombies, but I didn't expect such a big surprise.

Brother Hua is their captain, his name is Hua Wei, and he was awarded the rank of colonel not long ago.

Hua Wei: "The first team is guarding outside, the second team is vigilant, and the third team is going down with me to check the supplies."

Because no one has discovered it, this supermarket has a complete range of supplies, including everything you need for basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation.

As soon as they went, Hua Wei asked a few space power users to collect all the supplies according to the classification.

When they were about to leave, another entrance of the underground supermarket broke into a group of people.

As soon as the leading youth entered the door, he shouted, "Boss, someone is robbing our supplies," and then pointed their guns at Hua Wei and the others.

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