The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3637 I am the Lord in the last days (91)

"Boss, they have been outside for a day, are they now..."

"What is it? Will people die in just one day?"


After asking Huayu for instructions, they passed on Huayu's meaning.

"Aren't you afraid of bad rumors if you're like this?"

Hua Yu glanced at Hua Wei, and said blankly, "It's fine if you don't care."

Huawei: "..."

Can someone really be able to face a misunderstanding and slander without changing his face?

He didn't believe it before.

But there are two people who are probably not, and they are the leaders of Xingchenju and Huahai.

Hua Yu doesn't care about fame or not, if she can avenge Ruan Tang and let her breath out, that's right.

Furthermore, he met the notorious Ruan Yuming and his wife, so his reputation will not be tarnished in any way.

"Brother, you asked your leader, what did he say?" The food he brought when he came was all eaten, and even Ruan Yuming was a little dizzy at the moment.

Guard: "Our boss Hua said that this place is not suitable for you, let you leave."

Ruan Yuming: "...Is that the leader of Huahai?"

This is his son-in-law, so I want to call him father-in-law.

Guard: "That's right. Boss is busy with business, and now Boss Hua is in charge of the base affairs."

Ruan Yuming frowned, feeling a little displeased.

This daughter is smart and capable beyond his expectations, and may even be better than all the heads of the Ruan family, but she is too arrogant, how can she give the base to an outsider?

Moreover, this outsider is as capable, ambitious, team, and supplies as she is. If Hua Yu has evil intentions and wants to live in the stars, wouldn't the base be sent to others for nothing?

He didn't express his thoughts, but Liu Xiaohan couldn't bear it anymore.

"What do you mean? She actually handed over the base to outsiders? Does she have any brains? She would rather give the base to outsiders than let her own relatives go in. How could there be such a cold-hearted thing like her in the world..."


Although Liu Xiaohan said what Ruan Yuming was thinking, Ruan Yuming still slapped her.

She is really stupid to say such things on other people's territory.

And now that Hua Yu is in power, if he hears it...

"Outsiders? I think you are wrong. Tangtang and I have already obtained a marriage certificate, and we are already husband and wife."

The cold voice came suddenly, which made Liu Xiaohan tremble violently.

And Ruan Yuming also suddenly came back to his senses, looking at Hua Yu in a state of confusion.

"Boss Hua!"

Hua Yu has been so busy these days that his feet don't touch the ground. Some of the base's planning is not reasonable, and the security facilities are the same. He checked it himself to make a better plan, but he heard Liu Xiaohan's words.

"Boss, don't worry about her. If you hear she's a lunatic, the lunatic will say crazy things, and you can't believe her."

"Yes, boss, who doesn't know that the boss loves and trusts you the most, and everyone in the base knows whether you are an outsider or our boss' insider!"

"It's not a long-term solution for madmen to stay here. I think it's better to ask people to throw them away, so as not to bark and disturb people's rest."

Ruan Yuming could tell at a glance that the people around Hua Yu were all extraordinary people, they should be Ruan Tang's subordinates, but these people highly respected the leader of another base, did she know Ruan Tang?

It's too dangerous.

With Ruan Tang like this, there is no way to do a good job as a leader, let alone manage a base well.

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