The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3652 I will be the demon girl (6)

Although they saw Ruan Tang jumping into the river with their own eyes, and saw Ruan Tang being washed away by the rapids, Shi's father and Shi's mother still searched for a while worriedly.

"Father, look what this is!" Shi Baozhu sat down and cried, but found a red rope with a golden thread on the bank.

That kind of silk thread is something they can't buy at all.

Shi's father and Shi's mother were shocked when they saw it, and their expressions changed instantly.

The red string is here, which means that the jade pendant should also be there, but the jade pendant is gone, either it fell nearby, or was taken away by that dead girl.

Shi's mother was so angry that she didn't care if the baby girl was still there, so she scolded: "That bitch, I knew she was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and she was going to find her parents and take away the only thing she left behind. , old man, when did she steal it, we looked at it before going to bed, and put the jade pendant at home!"

She scolded and looked for it, and asked Shi Baozhu to look for it together.

The jade pendant is a keepsake, without the jade pendant, how could they let Bao Zhu go to the Xiao family to recognize relatives instead of the dead girl?

"We were all deceived by her!" Shi's father was heartbroken, "I didn't expect that she would pretend to be so honest and useless, but she is actually a shrewd and cunning beast! She must want to take the jade pendant to Jiangnan and sneak away."

But now Zhaodi's dead girl fell into the river and was washed away by the water, and the jade pendant either fell on the bank or followed into the water.

Such urgent water, such a small piece of jade pendant, how can I find it?

The three of them didn't dare to blink their eyes. After searching for a long time, they couldn't find anything useful except the original owner's headband and another old shoe.

Yupei is gone.

Shi Baozhu cried even more sadly.

It seems that she is sad for her sister who was drowned in the water.

At that time, father and mother were also crying, the jade pendant was gone, the keepsake was gone, and the glory and wealth that was about to be obtained were gone!

Why are their lives so miserable!

"Old man, we can't wait like this, let's look downstream, what if the dead girl is not drowned, what if she wears the jade pendant next to her body?" Shimu's face was full of words of reluctance.

It's all the fault of that dead girl, her glory and wealth!

Father Shi nodded, ignoring his bleeding head, got up and walked downstream.

Shi Baozhu wanted to follow, but she was afraid that the jade pendant would fall on the way when she came, so she said: "Father and mother, you should look down, and I'll go back and have a look. The rope is broken here, maybe the jade pendant fell on the road a long time ago." .”

When Shi Mu heard that it made sense, she patted Shi Baozhu's head, telling her to be careful, and then the couple left.

Shi Baozhu glanced at the river water, the same unwillingness as Shi Mu's was in her eyes, she wiped the tears on her face, turned around and walked back resolutely.

Shi's father and Shi's mother searched earnestly along the lower reaches, and Shi Baozhu couldn't wait to stick his eyeballs to the ground when he felt the darkness.

She groped and searched as she walked, but she found nothing. Instead, she cut her fingers with branches and weeds, tripped over stones and fell a few times, and her face was scratched.


Really can't find it.

Shi Baozhu's tears burst out like water from an opened gate in an instant.

Not long after she entered the village, she heard some noise in the village, but Shi Baozhu was busy looking for Yupei and couldn't care about anything else. familiar smell.

Shi Baozhu thought it was impossible, but when she looked up, she saw red light everywhere.

The place where the raging flames rose was their house.


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