The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3660 I am determined to be the demon girl (14)

Ruan Tang booked a room in Liuyun Building, asked the staff to bring hot water for Tang Ye to take a bath, then asked Tang Ye to wait, and went to buy some medicine by himself, both for internal and external application.

It took nearly half an hour for Ruan Tang to go out, the bath water was already frozen, but Tang Ye was still sitting in the bucket without moving.

Tang Ye hadn't started taking a bath when he left, and Ruan Tang didn't see his body, and now seeing all kinds of scars on his upper body, he felt pain in his heart.

"Come out and put on your clothes," Ruan Tang said.

Tang Ye looked at the new clothes that Ruan Tang had prepared, but did not move.

It was what Ruan Tang took out of his package, he prepared it for himself, and he couldn't wear it.

"Be obedient, come out, and get dressed."

"Otherwise, I don't care about you."

Almost as soon as Ruan Tang finished saying "don't care", Tang Ye stood up from the bucket.

Tang Ye was small, but when he stood in the bucket, the water couldn't cover him completely.

that's all.

Ruan Tang saw all of Tang Ye.

She wasn't embarrassed yet, but Tang Ye had already dived into the water with his hands covered, because he was too anxious, he couldn't stand still, and he threw himself and the bucket to the ground.

The bath water was poured all over the floor, and Tang Ye, whose face was as red as a boiled duck, rolled twice against the bucket.

He quickly looked up at Ruan Tang, then lowered his head with red ears.

I have no face to see people.

"Yo, I'm not shy at all, why are you shy?" To be honest, seeing Tang Ye whose skinny bones were clearly visible all over his body, Ruan Tang couldn't think of anything else at all.

She put down the medicine and said, "I'll see if I can make medicine here. Come out and get dressed quickly, or you'll still be naked when I come in. I won't be polite."

Tang Ye didn't know what "you're welcome" refers to, but he didn't dare to delay. When Ruan Tang went out and closed the door, he crawled out of the bucket, wiped the water off his body quickly, and wiped the water without drying it. Clothes are on.

He looks smaller than Ruan Tang, but his frame is not small. His clothes are a bit bigger, but they fit him well.

It's not that Tang Ye has never passed on silk and satin, and it's not that he hasn't worn good clothes, but he cherishes what he is wearing now.

"Put it on? You can boil medicine in the backyard. I'll go down and boil medicine in a while. Come here and I'll give you medicine."

Ruan Tang bought the medicine for external application. After all, it is too late to make it now. These ointments are not so effective and not so good, but they are still ok for emergency.

When Tang Ye heard that he wanted to take off his clothes again, he resisted.

Ruan Tang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Come here, I won't look at you or touch you, I'll give you medicine."

Tang Ye: "..."

It sounds even weirder.

"Hey, little brother Xiaoye, listen to my brother and come here!" The brother who was still gentle in the front turned into a big bad wolf in the back.

Tang Ye didn't move, but he spoke.

"I'm not young anymore."

He is thirteen years old.

It's just that I can't keep up with nutrition, and I am often beaten and abused. I am always hovering between injury and recovery, and I haven't been able to develop well.

After Ruan Tang listened, he looked down at him and said intentionally, "Oh, how old are you then?"

Tang Ye didn't want to be underestimated, he really wasn't young, maybe he was older than Ruan Tang, so he said, "Anyway, older than you."

Ruan Tang laughed out loud.

How big is it.

She is simply not okay.

There is no comparison.

After she finished laughing, Tang Ye's face turned red, so she stopped teasing him.

Of course, you have to pay for the sins you have done.

She coaxed Tang Ye to come over and take the medicine with a good voice.


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