The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3664 I will be the demon girl (18)

Although he was played by Ruan Tang several times, neither shopkeeper Chen nor shopkeeper Mu was angry.

They were filled with nothing but joy and excitement at the moment.

If there are no accidents, the young master has found it!

I have to send a letter to the owner quickly, otherwise, if this continues, the owner may not be able to get out of the grief for the rest of his life.

Seeing that a few people didn't care much, Ruan Tang continued: "Let me declare first that the daughter of the Shi family is somewhat similar to me now, otherwise it can't be blamed on me. You'd better send someone to check it out." .”

Shopkeeper Chen nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, young master, we will definitely investigate seriously."

Even if Ruan Tang didn't say anything, they wouldn't let go of this clue.

After all, the Shi family couple are the adoptive parents of the young master, and they know the situation of picking up the young master the most. No matter how vicious and thoughtful they are, they are just ordinary farmers and women, and they can still beat them by playing tricks and tricks. ?

"Also, just investigate and investigate, don't be a moth, I'm still waiting for them to go to Xiao's house to identify their relatives and get slapped in the face." Ruan Tang said.

After the death of the original owner in the plot, the Shi family moved to the county. Later, someone from the Xiao family came to pick them up. Seeing the face similar to their young lady, they naturally didn't have much doubt.

But Ruan Tang felt that it was impossible for the Xiao family to be completely unaware that Shi Baozhu was a counterfeit.

The wife of the uncle of the Xiao family doesn't like the original owner's mother who is favored in the Xiao family very much. She hates and envies Xiao Jinyu, so how can she sincerely welcome Xiao Jinyu's biological daughter?

Moreover, when Shi Baozhu recognized her relatives, she said she was a cousin, but the monthly treatment was all distributed according to the concubine's daughter, and if it was related to property, it was like stabbing Mrs. Xiao in the heart. She must not just tolerate an outsider with her Her son robbed Xiao's property.

There are always gaps in lies. Mrs. Xiao is able to gain a firm foothold in the back house and control the entire Xiao family's inner house. She is not bragging about her means and ability. Send someone to Shijia Village to find out. Does she still know who is the real Miss Cousin?

The real Miss Cousin will get a share of the property that belongs to Xiao Jinyu, but the fake counterfeit, as long as she exposes her identity, she can get out of Xiao's house with nothing.

For Mrs. Xiao, counterfeit goods are obviously more beneficial to her.

All of the above are still in the case of tokens.

Now that there is no jade pendant, token or swaddling clothes, it is not easy for the Shi family to convince the Xiao family.

If this can allow the Shi family to take advantage of the loopholes, then it can only be said that the plot is strong.

Also, some members of the Xiao family are stupid and wicked!

Hearing that Ruan Tang was familiar with Lingyun Village and the Xiao family, shopkeeper Chen and others became more and more curious about her, and became more sure of her identity.

"Young master, should we inform the Xiao family?" Shopkeeper Mu asked.

They have hatred for the Xiao family, and they haven't met each other for so many years.

But to the young master, the Xiao family is her maternal ancestor's family...

Ruan Tang frowned, and said displeasedly: "Why do you need to inform them? If outsiders say what they are willing to believe, then the Xiao family can still be the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River?"

It's just that they are willing to believe it.

Ruan Tang's words were like a blow to the head, waking up the three shopkeepers Chen who felt that "blood ties" would affect Ruan Tang's judgment.

For the Xiao family, blood relationship is very important.

But maybe it's not that important.

This can be seen from their covering up of the accomplice who killed Xiao Jinyu.

As the young master said, the Xiao family has developed so far, relying on brains and means. If they would trust others casually, there would probably be no Xiao family eight hundred years ago.

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