The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3684 I will be the demon girl (38)

"Master, Ruan Tang."

In front of Ruan Changtian, Tang Ye politely called her Senior Sister.

After leaving Ruan Changtian, his name is Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang asked him to call him that, and he listened to Ruan Tang's words.

Then I would say sorry to the master from the bottom of my heart, not because he didn't respect the master's life, but because he didn't want to reject the senior sister.

Both of them were wearing the same night clothes tonight, only a pair of eyes were exposed, flickering.

Ruan Tang responded, pointed to the east of the city, and said badly, "Let's go see how the heartless people are doing today."

In fact, there are people reporting about the Xuan family every day.

After Ruan Changtian arrived, he also ordered his subordinates to deal with it as soon as possible.

Although he didn't want to see the stinky boy, but the stinky boy became his apprentice and was valued by his daughter, so he couldn't be bullied.

Otherwise he will lose face.

The debtors came to the door day and night, disturbing the Xuan family's peace, and even the neighbors couldn't have a good rest.

The Xuan family always said that the family was poor and could not pay back, but the creditors did not listen to their nonsense.

Can't pay the bill, right? Then what kind of servants are there to support? Sell all the servants, and the money sold can be repaid a little bit.

There are also those jewelry of Mrs. Xuan's mother and daughter. If they are pawned together, they can also return some of them.

If it doesn't work, they still have a young son who can be sold to others as a foster husband, which is another large sum of money.

Not to mention what Master Xuan would think when he heard it, first Mrs. Xuan disagreed, holding her children tightly in her arms with both hands, as if she was afraid that someone would come forward to snatch them.

When the creditors saw it, they all praised her as "a loving mother."

But this is just love for her own flesh and blood, for the late wife's son, she is like a snake with a snake heart, wishing to tear him into pieces.

At present, Master Xuan has a shop and land in his hands. Even if he does not make money, the deeds are backed up by the government, and there is still money in the family, which is far from the point of selling his sons and daughters.

But they can hold on to the non-payment and endure the harassment of creditors day and night, but the neighbors can't stand it.

Then the Xuan family was sued by the neighbors.

The reason is that they disturb the people.

Some people suggested that the Xuan family should move out, otherwise they would protest or something.

After the government found out the reason, they couldn't just drive the person away, but could only urge the Xuan family to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Although Mr. Xuan yelled about the collusion between government and businessmen to oppress the foolish people, it is only natural to pay back the debts. The IOUs are all signed and pledged by him personally, stamped with his Xuan family's seal, and some of them are still backed up by the government, which cannot be denied!

Master Xuan repaid his debt for the first time today.

He sold three servants and became Mrs. Xuan's bracelet, and only paid back a hundred taels.

And what they owe is much more than one hundred and one hundred taels.

"Brothers and sisters, what do you think we should do? Now that the Xuan family can't afford so much money, what should we do with the money owed to all of us?" It was dark, and the debtors were still guarding outside the Xuan family.

After the man finished speaking, a woman said: "It's only natural to pay back the debt. Whether it's selling the land or selling the shop, he has to pay back my money!"

The others nodded yes.

When Ruan Tang and Tang Ye passed by, a group of people were talking excitedly. Ruan Tang stood in the corner and squeezed his voice and said, "I heard that Miss Xuan's husband's family is a rich family in the south of the Yangtze River after Xiao's."

As soon as these words came out, the debtors were blown up.


The Xuan family can't afford the money and is unwilling to be a shop in the seller's house, so there is Miss Xuan's fiancé's house.

Anyway, Miss Xuan is going to marry sooner or later, so why not ask the Xuan family's in-laws to bring the dowry over earlier, and the Xuan family will return their money...

Simply the best of both worlds!

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