The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3745 I will definitely take this devil’s sect as a witch (99)

When the young leader came to power, the first thing he did was to overthrow the leader's rule, revise the doctrines and decrees within the church, and rectify the atmosphere within the church.

Protector Zuo joked that the princess could not wait for the emperor to abdicate and wanted to force her into the palace. He also asked the emperor whether he was panic or about to step down.

The emperor said nonchalantly that his daughter's appreciation and recognition of his power was a sign of his admiration.

As an old father, there are only so many things he can give his daughter.

With Ruan Changtian's attitude, others naturally had nothing to say.

In particular, the elders who knew Ruan Tang and knew that she would not aim blindly believed in Ruan Tang's decision-making and provided great support and encouragement for the smooth implementation of Ruan Tang's policy.

Now that Yun Qingyang's people have been cleared out, those who remain support Ruan Changtian's "orthodoxy".

Ruan Changtian is orthodox, and Ruan Changtian's biological daughter is also orthodox.

They support the young leader.

"What? Shi Zhaodi is not dead?"

More than two months after Shi Baozhu arrived at the Xiao family, the Xiao family heard the news about Ling Yunjian and his daughter.

Mr. Xiao was so anxious that he grabbed the uncle of the Xiao family to question him. Mrs. Xiao lost her temper and smashed a set of antique ornaments that she had just replaced. The second master of the Xiao family also hurried back from outside.

Probably because of some order from the government, people kept the news about Ruan Tang from Shi Baozhu, but Shi's father and mother first got the news from the servants they were dealing with, and then they approached Shi Baozhu.

"How is it possible? How could he not die in such a fast river?" Shi Baozhu didn't believe it at all.

She would use the identity of Shi Zhaodi's adopted sister because she was afraid that the Xiao family would find out the clues. After all, if she was willing to investigate, she could find out what kind of life Shi Zhaodi lived in the Shi family and what her status was.

She didn't want to take advantage of Shi Zhaodi's things, she just wanted the Xiao family to repay her kindness.

But she didn't expect that God would not even grant her this small wish. She had only lived for more than two months as the daughter of a rich lady. Was she about to lose it?

Shi's mother's eyes were full of resentment, "I said it was a scourge, a white-eyed wolf. She didn't want us to live a good life, so she crawled out of the river to take revenge on us."

When she spoke, her mother didn't think it was anything at all. She often cursed her adopted daughter like this and was used to it.

But Shi Baozhu and Shi Fu both felt a chill in their backs and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Shi Zhaodi, couldn't she really become a ghost?

Otherwise, how could you possibly survive that situation!

In a sense, Shi Baozhu and Shi's father's guess was correct, but the problem was that they would never know what happened after Ruan Tang fell into the river.

"What should we do now? Zhao Di is still alive. Mr. Xiao will definitely find his granddaughter. I heard people say that the one Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao love most is Zhao Di's mother. They didn't know the whereabouts of Zhao Di before. , now he will definitely not let Zhaodi live outside!" Shi's mother hated Shi Zhaodi to death.

If they had known earlier, they would have taken action earlier and strangled that little bitch to death, and there wouldn't have been so many things.

Shi's father's old face was wrinkled and looked very ugly, "Not only that, they said that Zhaodi is already with her biological father. Who is that person? The owner of some village or the leader of the devil's sect, can he make this happen? Those people who are frightened by decent people, Zhaodi is his daughter, with that identity and status, if she wants to take revenge..."

He didn't even dare to think about it.

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