The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3754 I will definitely take this demon sect witch (108)

Xue Qianqian never thought that she would be able to see her old friend in her lifetime.

"Sister Chen?" Xue Qianqian asked tentatively.

The woman holding her knees in the corner was stunned for a moment, then raised her head.

The woman in red in front of her had disheveled hair and countless scars criss-crossing her face. It looked like they were scabbed, but blood and something thick were oozing out for some unknown reason.

With just one glance, Mrs. Xiao was so frightened that she almost died.

How did the gentle and elegant woman in the past become like this? Was it made by Lingyun Sword? To avenge Xiao Jinyu?

She didn't answer Xue Qianqian's question, she just kept hiding back.

The woman who spoke finally remembered what kind of face she was wearing, and suddenly her expression became very ugly, "Even you look down on me?"

Hearing the coldness in Xue Qianqian's words, Mrs. Xiao shook her head repeatedly, "No, how could it be? I didn't recognize it for a moment. I really didn't expect that we would meet here."

Xue Qianqian laughed when she heard this, her voice was very sad, "Yeah, who would have thought of that!"

She was very sorry that she couldn't kill Lingyun Jian after all the hard work. Fortunately, God opened her eyes and Xiao Jinyu, that bitch, was finally dead.

Otherwise, she really doesn't know what crazy things she would do.

She achieved half her goal, and she herself was ruined.

Xue Qianqian glanced at the silent man in the cell opposite them, with deep contempt and disdain in her eyes.


It was obviously ambition that drove him to join her plan to attack Ling Yunjian. After the failure, he blamed everything on her, saying that if she hadn't been jealous of Xiao Jinyu, so many martial arts people would not have died.

It's a pity that no matter how hateful he is, he is just a loser, a loser who can't even take care of himself!

"Xue Qianqian, you bitch... Although He Zhengyang is disabled, he has a good ear. When Xue Qianqian said what was in her heart, he started to curse.

The couple started to quarrel, and Mrs. Xiao was so frightened that she shrank into a ball.

She was crazy that she would cooperate with such a person.

Xiao Jinyu had nothing to do with her, it was just that she was jealous like Xue Qianqian.

Hurt self and others.

"Mrs. He, we are sending your daughter-in-law in to congratulate you on your family reunion." The speaker was Feng Qingyun, the right guardian who greeted Xue Qianqian all the way.

The new injury on Xue Qianqian's face was caused by her.


Xue Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and then Shi Baozhu appeared in front of her.

"I don't have a daughter-in-law!" Xue Qianqian frowned and retorted. Even if she was blind, there was no way she would choose such a wretched and petty person as her daughter-in-law.

Feng Qingyun didn't care about that and just threw Shi Baozhu in, "This is the woman your son He Yunxiao likes. For her, He Yunxiao would even scold Miss Wu. They had been separated for a while because of some trivial matters. Our young leader has said that good people will stick to their guns and help you reunite."

Shi Baozhu saw Xue Qianqian's face clearly as soon as she came in. Like Mrs. Xiao, she was so frightened that she turned pale and lost her mind.

Are there such ugly people in the world?

She doesn't hide her emotions and shows them right away on her face.

Xue Qianqian saw it, and a surge of hatred and jealousy arose in her already twisted heart. She rushed over quickly, grabbed Shi Baozhu's hair and started scratching her face.

Feng Qingyun looked at it not far away, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Too cruel.

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