The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3765 After picking up the villain, I lie down and win (9)

Er Leng's actions made Xiao Zhou very confused.

They had met many times before, without exception, all of which were related to the current work. At that time, Er Leng was always smoking, one cigarette after another, and he could finish a pack of cigarettes in a short time.

His brows are always wrinkled tightly, as if he has something on his mind that cannot be solved.

But now, it's really weird to keep the cigarette in your mouth and not light it.

Er Leng didn't care about Xiao Zhou's sizing up. He pointed to the warehouse with his chin and asked, "How many this time?"

Xiao Zhou said a number, Er Leng frowned again.

Xiao Zhou didn't pay attention, and said, "Except for the ten-year-old girl, the others are all three-to-eight-year-old kids, all of them are innocent and stupid, and they followed without any effort."

Er Leng: "Ten years old? How did you find such a big one?"

This does not meet Lao Wang's selection requirements.

A ten-year-old child remembers everything, and it is not easy to integrate into a new family, and she has learned too much knowledge about protecting herself from school and life, which is very bad for them.

Xiao Zhou told her the story Lao Wang told her, and then laughed at herself, "What kind of parents and people do you think those people are? Even a rotten person like me knows how to love his own children. But there are some beasts who ignore their children for tens of thousands of dollars, saying that they have no feelings if they are not kept by their side, and they will have another one at worst. How can you say that people in this world are so disgusting!"

Er Leng said the word "bad person" more than once from Xiao Zhou, and every time he heard Xiao Zhou say that, he felt that Xiao Zhou was a person with a story.

But he didn't know much about Xiao Zhou, he only heard a little bit from Lao Wang.

Xiao Zhou's family used to be a rich family. Her parents ran a business, but due to poor management and her father's love of gambling, the company went bankrupt and owed a lot of debt. Then her parents gave her to the creditor to pay off the debt.

The creditor had raised Xiao Zhou for a few years, and when she got tired of playing, he sent her to the clubhouse. After staying there for less than two years, she was bullied by a perverted guest, who got injured and got sick.

After that, she became like this, doing things for that club.

Lao Wang doesn't know much, and he always said this, and often mocked Xiao Zhou for his incompetence. He didn't know that if he took advantage of that creditor, raised a child, and became a mistress, he would be a rich man, rich in clothes and good food, and could not enjoy it. All the glory and wealth.

However, Xiao Zhou is stupid, and he has a good life, but he came out to do this, worked hard, and was caught and had to go to jail, which is really stupid.

Er Leng didn't have so many emotions, but when he heard Xiao Zhou said that he would love his child, he was slightly surprised and glanced at her.

Xiao Zhou noticed Er Leng's gaze, and a stiff smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "What do you think I am doing? In order to survive, I have to do this thing, but I am not like Sister Hua, I am not that cruel , the children I have handled, one counts as one, and they are all living better than me now."

Er Leng believed this.

Because there is no need for Xiao Zhou to lie.

What kind of people they are, they all know each other well.

"Then what happened afterwards? How did you get here?" Er Leng asked the follow-up.

Xiao Zhou looked out of the window and said sarcastically: "The couple wanted the child to die, but the kidnapper didn't want to suffer, so he contacted Lao Wang. Lao Wang didn't want it at first. After all, he was a bit old, but seeing the girl grow up If you have to be beautiful and fit, I agree."

If such a beautiful girl is lucky and meets a big boss or something, it can make them rich!

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