The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3802 After picking up the villain, I lay down and won (46)

The trip to the playground is coming to an end soon.

A day, as fast as an hour.

Chu Yu was full of reluctance, especially when he saw the other children surrounding Ruan Tang sweetly calling her sister, he was even more reluctant and didn't want to leave.

They were all by her side, and he was the only one who didn't see each other often, and couldn't even make phone calls often. After a long time, would she lose sight of him?

"Chu Yu, come with me." Ruan Tang calmed down the emotions of the others, and then called Chu Yu out alone.

The housekeeper immediately said: "It's windy, if Miss Ruan doesn't mind it, you can talk about it in the car."

Ruan Tang glanced at the butler's attitude, still respectful, she smiled with satisfaction, and pulled Chu Yu into his family's car.

She said, "How have you been all this time? Honestly."

The matter of Chu Hai's going abroad has been mentioned just now, Chu Yu hesitated for a while, and then revealed his family's attitude towards him.

He didn't look sad at all, but Ruan Tang felt distressed.

She hugged Chuyu, patted him on the back, and said softly: "It's not that you are bad, you are very good, I like you very much, Jiaojiao and Balala are duplicity, but they actually like you very much."

It's fine if you don't like Chu Yu, wronged Chu Yu, misunderstood Chu Yu, deliberately stimulated and run on Chu Yu like a child, this is the fault of the Chu family!

Chu Yu let out a "hmm".

Xin said that he doesn't need others to like him, as long as his sister can see him.

"Do you remember what I told you before?" Ruan Tang asked.

Chu Yu nodded.

He remembered it all, and he always did what his sister said.

Ruan Tang was very happy that he didn't care, but felt sorry for him not caring, it was too wronged, "No matter what happens to them or what happens in the future, as long as you remember, I will always be by your side."

Chu Yu engraved these words in his heart.


After the Mid-Autumn Festival, life returned to calm.

Ruan Tang takes a few children to school every day and helps them with their homework. She has shown great interest in mathematics and computers since she saw the computer.

Professor Qu is a very open-minded person. After discovering Ruan Tang's talent, he immediately took her to take an intelligence test, and the result was as expected.

Afterwards, whenever he had time, he would bring Ruan Tang to school and let the old guys from the mathematics department and computer department test Ruan Tang.

Afterwards, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science of University A had a group favorite.

When Professor Qu's students knew that they had a younger junior sister, they all said that the teacher was biased. No wonder he liked the younger junior sister so much. It turned out that he had spotted her talent a long time ago.

Chu Yu is always the first to know about Ruan Tang's affairs.

He looked at the simple and boring content in the book, thinking that he should also take another intelligence test, and then he would be able to skip a level logically.

Less than a week after the National Day, Ruan Tang received an unexpected call from Mrs. Ruan.

Ruan Dadong had an accident with Chen Ping.

She didn't understand what the neighbors were talking about about tax evasion, but she could hear clearly about the jail fine. Some people made a fuss about what they did to their children and criticized them. Now the Ruan family's attitude in the community is completely stink.

Fame is just a small thing.

Granny Ruan is most concerned about the future of their family.

All the son's money has been fined, and even the house may have to be used to pay off the debts. The family will have nowhere to go.

Thinking that the condition of the person who adopted Ruan Tang seemed to be very good, Mrs. Ruan found Ruan Tang.

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