The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3844 After picking up the villain, I lay down and won (88)

Chu Yu is in a good mood, and is very kind to people he hates.

As soon as he stepped into the company on Monday morning, he saw Chu Hai, who was well-dressed like a star, and the other party greeted him with a smile and said good morning, and he even responded.

Chu Yu left from the exclusive elevator, but Chu Hai froze in place, not daring to move.

Is Chu Yu crazy?

Actually smiling at him!

"Did you see it just now? Chu Yu smiled." He said to the two followers.

The two attendants on the left and one on the right were dressed the same as him, the corners of their mouths twitched when they heard this, thinking that it was strange for Mr. Chu to smile? It's not that Mr. Chu never laughed!

But certainly not.

One hurriedly flattered, "The young master must have seen the second young master's achievements and knew that he underestimated you before. This is to show you his favor and apologize."

After speaking, he gave himself a slap in the bottom of his heart.

The grades of bullshit are not as good as the few of them who are just eating and waiting to die.

It should be said that Chu Hai had indeed made some achievements in the branch before, but when he was in the branch, the chairman of Chu sent a lot of right-hand assistants to help.

Those achievements are not due to Chu Hai alone.

The other winked the man to restrain himself, and agreed, "Second young master, the young master apologizes and shows his favor. This is a good sign!"

In the past ten years, Chu Hai has basically been spending time and money, having money in his hands and being praised too much, so he likes to hear such words, but he still maintains vigilance in his heart.

He shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case, this wolf cub Chu Yu is not an ordinary person, don't use your ordinary heads to guess what he is thinking..."

Chu Hai was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "When he smiles, it doesn't necessarily mean that something good has happened. Maybe he is planning how to deal with me. I can't be fooled."

Two attendants: "..."


At the beginning, I was always idle and had nothing to do to plan against you. What kind of onion are you, and you still regard yourself as a person?

Even if Mr. Chu is really thinking about a strategy to deal with you, it is your honor. Thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the king, so you just have to bear it. You are always jittering and wondering about this and that. No wonder even the five-year-old Mr. Chu is fighting. But what!


But they all apologized with a smile on their faces, "It's because we are too superficial and not thoughtful, it's because you, Er Shao, are quick-witted, or because you can read people's hearts."

Chu Hai was very flattered by the two of them, and told them to report to the personnel department.

It's been a week since he came to the group, but the financial people still didn't accept him. Chu Hai retreated and chose personnel affairs again. As long as he controls the personnel affairs and has a thorough understanding of the origins of all employees and the reasons for their promotions, then he will be able to control those people .

Chu Hai swaggered into the personnel affairs, the two attendants exchanged glances with other onlookers, their lips moved slightly, and slowly spit out two words.



"Miss Ruan, please come with us."

As soon as Ruan Tang left the school, he was stopped by someone who looked like a secretary.

She gave a look of who are you, and the man said: "I am the secretary of the first chairman, and our chairman wants to see you."

"Chairman Chu? Who is it? I don't know him." Ruan Tang said.

The man reminded: "Miss Ruan, please don't be joking, you met the chairman ten years ago, at the police station."

Ruan Tang said "Oh" and said that he had to think about it, but in the next second he became angry, "Could you be talking about the old man whose grandson almost died and then shielded criminals? Then you can't understand, there is no principle, even the law An old man who doesn't take it seriously, can become the chairman, can't he? What group of yours is so careless about selecting people?"


As far as acting skills are concerned, it would be a loss for the entertainment industry not to be a queen.

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