The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3915 The vixen doesn’t want to become an immortal (53)

Xie Yinhuan and Bai Yu had never seen such a scene, and they were shocked and speechless. When they saw some people twitching in pain on the ground, and some crying and crawling to find their dead family members, they couldn't help but Want to help.

"Calm down, it's not just one or two people who need help. It's useless for you to be like this." Ruan Tang looked coldly and stretched out his hand to stop the two of them.

Even if this one is saved, what will happen? The city is full of people infected with the plague. Even if this one is saved, he will still be infected if he is not properly resettled.

Xie Yinhuan wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

At first, I was shocked, uncomfortable, and heartbroken. The more I watched and saw more and more corpses, my heart gradually became numb.

When we reached a place like a square, the whole world was torn apart and turned into two completely different worlds.

On one side were people kneeling on the ground praying for God's mercy, and on the other side were people sweating profusely and looking worried and anxious, busy treating patients.

On the left are rich people, ordinary people, and government servants.

Some of them have been infected with the plague and are seriously ill.

Some people just had some symptoms but didn't care.

Some people are not sick at all, are healthy and look normal, but they kneel with these people regardless.

On the other side, doctors practicing medicine and rescuing people were busy constantly, and there were strong people helping to lift and treat patients. Everyone's face was full of worries and backs, but there was an unyielding and unwillingness to admit defeat in their eyes. The tenacity and stubbornness.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yinhuan's numb heart gradually thawed and became warm.

"There is still hope," she said.

As long as someone doesn't give up, this battle will be won.

Bai Yu tugged on Ruan Tang's sleeve, pointed to the person in the corner and said, "Sister, that should be Mu Liuli. I heard that child call her Sister Mu."

Ruan Tang and Xie Yinhuan both looked over.

A very delicate girl with a cold temperament, wearing coarse linen clothes, with her black hair combed together into a beautiful ponytail.

She has a cold temperament, but her smile and eyes are gentle and warm.

At this moment, she was patiently coaxing the children to drink the medicine. It was a large, dark bowl with some residue on it. The bitter taste could be smelled from a long distance away, and it was obviously very unpleasant to drink.

But those children just shook their heads to express their rejection when they started to smell the bitter taste, and then drank the medicine obediently.

After taking care of the children, it was the adults' turn, but they refused to take the medicine, and they were very reasonable.

One of the old ladies looked at Mu Liuli defensively, "The county magistrate has said that this is not a life-saving medicine, but a life-saving talisman. You are the devil who is here to send us to hell, unless you drink this bowl of medicine yourself." , otherwise I wouldn’t believe it.”

Her children all stood by to persuade her, saying that what the magistrate said was nonsense, and told her not to believe that Miss Mu was a Bodhisattva who saved people in distress and came to deliver medicine to them.

The old lady didn't listen. If her children hadn't dragged her to seek medical treatment, she would never have come.

Mu Liuli only paused for a moment, then picked up the unfinished medicine from the children and took a big sip. After swallowing, he handed the bowl to the old lady.

The old lady was stunned for a long time, her eyes full of shock and emotion, and asked Mu Liuli why.

Mu Liuli: "I am a medical practitioner."

The purpose of studying medicine is to save the world and save people.

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