The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3936 Sickness makes me go to the top of the world (10)

Madam Ruan was so angry that she couldn't refuse Ruan Tang's request.

She really cared about Ruan Tang's body.

"Take both of their things, and I'll see how long they can stay in the hospital." Mrs. Ruan thought to herself, as long as she didn't send someone to pick them up, Ruan Tang should call and beg her to pick them up after staying for less than a week. She has come back.

The housekeeper glanced at Mrs. Ruan, who was in a panic, and then thought of the difficult Ruan Tang in the hospital, and sighed, how long the third lady plans to stay there, who knows.

After everything was put down, the butler told Ruan Tang that he had to call if something happened, and then left.

Ruan Lin was a little worried, "Will Mom not want us?"

Ruan Tang: "Are you afraid?"

Ruan Lin's eyes immediately turned red.

"No." Ruan Tang patted his head, only Ruan Lin said no, Mrs. Ruan is not qualified.

Ruan Lin didn't get comforted. He knew that before his sister was hospitalized, many members of the family would go to the hospital, and sometimes his parents would go too.

This time my sister fainted twice, they didn't even come, even the housekeeper left.

They must not like their sisters and don't want them anymore.

My sister is so pitiful.

He must accompany his sister.

Ruan Tang didn't know that he was pitied by the little pity, he pointed to the bed of the escort, "From now on, you will sleep there, you know?"

Ruan Lin glanced back and nodded happily.

"I'll sleep for a while, are you going to sleep or study?"

"I'm not sleepy, I study, and I take care of you."

When head nurse Tang brought the little nurse over, what she saw was Ruan Lin peeking at Ruan Tang while studying.

This was probably the least serious time Ruan Lin studied.

After writing for a while, I have to take a look at Ruan Tang, and sometimes I even stretch out my fingers to check Ruan Tang's breath, to make sure that nothing is wrong before continuing to study with confidence.

"Xiao Ruanlin, you take care of your sister..."


Ruan Lin winked at head nurse Tang and the little nurse, telling them not to talk and not to wake up her sister.

The appearance of that little adult made head nurse Tang and the little nurse couldn't help laughing. This child is too cute, and he knows how to take care of others at a young age.

Head nurse Tang asked him to go outside and asked him, "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, go eat with me first, and eat when your sister wakes up."

Ruan Lin shook his head, "I'm not hungry, wait for my sister."

"Then you go to do your homework first, and play outside on the lawn for a while when you're tired, don't go far away, you know?" Head nurse Tang told him.

Ruan Lin shook his head again, "I'm not going anywhere, just looking at my sister."

Head nurse Tang smiled: "Okay, look at my sister."

After walking away, the little nurse said with emotion: "This kid is really sensible."

Head nurse Tang only knew that Mrs. Ruan and his wife had very different attitudes towards the children, and didn't know the inside story, but she also told the little nurse not to talk nonsense.

That Mrs. Ruan is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Ruan Tang slept for almost three hours before waking up. When she woke up, it was dark. When she opened her eyes, Ruan Lin put the cold water on the table, and then disappeared like a rocket.

Two minutes later, he came back again, "Sister, are you still thirsty? I'll pour you some water. I just went to beg for food. The nurse sister said that I will bring it in a while."

Ruan Tang: "..."

Brother, that's not what you said!

But Xiao Ruan Lin didn't realize that it was strange to say that.

My sister woke up and wanted to eat, so he asked the head nurse to beg for food, right!

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