The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3982 Sickness makes me go to the top of the world (56)

After discussing with the two elders, Ruan Ying went to prepare the materials.

After the new year, I plan to send Ruan Tang to school, otherwise they will leave after the new year, and the other children will go to school. How boring is Ruan Tang at home alone?

Ruan Tang thought, it's actually not that boring, because there are many things to do.

But those who really love her still hope that she can have a normal life.

Ruan Ying's formalities were almost completed, but Mrs. Ruan and Ruan's father still disagreed. They just refused to give documents, did not sign, and did not let the children go to school.

The couple's reaction was exactly the same, which made Ruan Ying suspect that they had some ulterior conspiracy, so she went to the hospital because the couple's excuse was Ruan Tang's body, and she asked the doctor to tell her, Can Ruan Tang go to school?

The answer is of course yes.

But people still disagree.

In the end, the old man and the old lady went back to Ruan's house. Under the instruction of old man Ruan, father Ruan agreed to sign and Ruan Tang could enter school.

"Ruan Tang, you can also go to school with us, you must be very happy?" Little Fatty was so happy that he would be able to play with Ruan Tang after class.

The same goes for several others.

Ruan Tang: "..."

Not very happy.

Waking up early is too sleepy.

Even after she went to school, Ruan Tang was different from other children. She was a student who received special attention, and the teachers paid close attention to her. Whenever she had a headache, she would be sent to the infirmary for examination by a doctor, and her parents would be called. The wife became a frequent visitor to the school.

And Ruan Tang is also very popular. After arriving at school, many people in the class became friends with her and wanted to play with her. Knowing that Ruan Tang was not in good health, they all brought her some milk candies, chocolate apples and so on.

Courtesy is reciprocal, every time Ruan Tang goes to school, Ruan Lin will carry a schoolbag of snacks and fruits to distribute to those students who care about Ruan Tang.

Knowing that Ruan Tang is popular at school, Mrs. Ruan also found two old people who said that she was worried about Ruan Tang's accident, so she couldn't sleep or eat all night, and even had nightmares a few times until Ruan Tang disappeared. the...

She couldn't bear the worry and anxiety of not being around her child, and she didn't want her, the mother, to be the last to know when something happened to the child.

Therefore, I hope Ruan Tang can drop out of school.

She will find Ruan Tang the best tutor in the country, and she will not let Ruan Tang miss everything the school children can learn, and she will give Ruan Tang the best.

The old lady has only one sentence.

you dream!

As a parent, who doesn't worry about their children, who doesn't worry about their children's future safety, if you can't afford it, you have to ask your daughter to suspend school. What's the reason?

Don't you want your daughter to leave you in the future, so you have to let her stay by your side for the rest of her life without getting married?

The old lady not only reprimanded Mrs. Ruan, but also specifically explained to the school teachers and security guards that their parents should not be allowed to touch them and interfere with their studies.

Mrs. Ruan hoped that Ruan Tang would get sick a few more times, so that the old man and the others would worry about not letting her go to school. At the age of 10, he has never been ill, and he has no record of being hospitalized for more than a week.

Seeing Ruan Tang flourishing in school, surrounded by many children with excellent family backgrounds, Mrs. Ruan became more and more anxious and impatient every day. Ruan Tang was not sick, but she fell down first.

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