The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4022 Sickness made me reach the peak of the world (96)

Mu Beichen didn't know that Yuan Ye really had evidence in his hand.

Although the channels for obtaining evidence are not clear, and they cannot be confronted in court, at least they can expose Ruan Ling's true face and let everyone know that she is not as innocent and harmless as she is now.

This kind of person who looks harmless but is actually scheming and ruthless is the most terrifying.

"Ruan Tang, even if Mom begs you, don't make these things public. Ling Ling can't bear to be provoked, and you will ruin her like this!"

Mrs. Ruan, who was the first to see the evidence, didn't believe what Yuan Ye said at first, but she couldn't believe it because of the solid facts.

The daughter she is proud of, the daughter who thinks she is innocent and kind, is actually harboring evil intentions, thinking about the heart of her biological sister wholeheartedly, and even induces her fiancé who loves her madly to kill Ruan Tang many times.

But even if she knew all this was true, even if she knew Ruan Ling's true face, Mrs. Ruan, who had engraved her love for her daughter into her blood, would subconsciously defend Ruan Ling and protect Ruan Ling.

Ruan Tang was expressionless, "It's useless for you to tell me, what Ruan Ling did, the incitement didn't go away, and we can do whatever the law says."

The most important thing is that the heroine's illness is different from that of ordinary people. She must use her own sister's heart to survive. If she is not willing, Ruan Ling will not live long.

Seeing hope shattered, waiting for death to come, is probably the most terrifying and hopeless thing for Ruan Ling.

"Why are you so cold-blooded? Your sister has been ill for so many years. It's normal to be a little bit extreme psychologically. Why can't you be a little sympathetic? Why can't you..."


No one expected that it would be Ruan Lin, who has always been very Buddhist, who would scold Mrs. Ruan.

But only Ruan Tang knew that such a Buddhist Ruan Lin was the biggest villain in the plot. After knowing the truth, he has been avenging himself and his sister.

Madam Ruan was taken aback, and stared blankly at her son who treated her like a stranger after being beaten once by her.

Ruan Lin's face was cold, with obvious disgust and disgust in his eyes, he said: "You are enough! It is you who owe my sister, not my sister who owes you."

Mrs. Ruan: "I am your mother, I gave birth to you..."

"You? Don't put gold on your face!"

Ruan Lin laughed mockingly, "If my sister and I hadn't been valuable and could be used by you, you would have given birth to us? Besides raising us, why did you raise us? Kicked my ear and made my sister hospitalized? For you Do you want me to stay in the room like a dog and not go out, or let my sister be at your mercy like a puppet?"

Mrs. Ruan's eyes widened in shock, she never expected that her son, who had never spoken much, would say such stinging words.

"Don't mention Shengen again, you didn't give birth to us for us, but to satisfy your selfish desires."

"Don't talk about nurturing grace anymore. My sister and I were raised by grandparents, aunts and uncle Yuan. You will only play us like fools when you want to use them."

"You didn't treat me and my sister as your children, and we didn't treat you as your parents. We have been since childhood."

After Ruan Lin finished speaking, the entire hall was so quiet that even the sound of breathing became a little abrupt. Many people looked at him in amazement. They never expected him to draw a clear line with his biological mother so decisively.

But Ruan Lin only felt happy and relaxed in his heart.

After so many years, he finally said what was in his heart, and he didn't even have to pretend to be face-saving anymore.

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