The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4060 I want to decide this throne (34)

The regent had even made preparations for Ming Di to accompany him. Unexpectedly, Ming Di was actually injured due to such an unfortunate incident.

He looked at Ming Di with a trace of doubt in his heart.

Sir, this injury came too soon.

Could it be that your husband doesn't want to go out with him?

When the two of them finished their breakfast, the imperial doctor finally arrived. The three old imperial doctors took turns to examine Ming Di. After that, they all shook their heads and said that the injury was not serious, but the twisted tendon, and it was on the waist, would have a big impact. Then they took turns, and various medicines for internal and external use began to be prescribed.

Ming Di frowned and asked the imperial doctor if the diagnosis was wrong. He just fell off the bed. How could it be so serious?

The old doctor whose medical skills were questioned suddenly had a long and ugly look on his face, and said that it was still good. They had also treated people who fell off the bed and died.

Ming Di knew that the late emperor had a concubine. She had just accepted the concubine. She was probably too excited or something. When she got off the dragon bed, she fell to her face and died.

The death of this concubine cast a thick psychological shadow on the late emperor.

Not only did he have the concubine thrown into a mass grave, he also had the concubine's entire family beheaded on the pretext of disturbing the Holy Master.

From that day on, he rarely favored concubines in the dragon bed, and mostly went to the palaces of various concubines. It was not until the appearance of Jiang Yao that the late emperor's attitude changed.

The regent was originally suspicious of Ming Di, but when he heard that such a gentle and friendly person like Ming Di questioned the imperial doctor, he immediately gave up his suspicion.

He also comforted Ming Di, "If you are injured, take good care of yourself. There are many opportunities to travel with me. Sir, please don't let a small thing lead to a big loss."

Ming Di looked regretful, "It's just a minor injury. Back then, the prince was seriously injured and he was able to lead the soldiers to win a battle and regain three cities for our country of Chu. What does my minor injury mean? The prince went to the southwest Controlling floods is an important matter that benefits the country and the people. Although I am not talented, I have been traveling abroad in my early years and have a lot of experience in this area. Although I cannot be of much help, I hope I can help the prince to solve his problems..."

"Sir, don't say that!"

The regent was moved.

He helped the excited Ming Di sit down and said patiently: "Sir, you want to serve me. There are many opportunities. It will be within this time and a half. If you are injured, please don't go to the southwest. Recuperate in the mansion." .”

Mingdi didn't want to, "I can bear this injury. I haven't fought side by side with the prince for a long time..."

These words silenced the regent.

He knew better than anyone the reason for not fighting side by side.

Because he gave up the fight for the throne and failed the counselors and soldiers like Mr. who followed him to the death and trusted him.

But he didn't feel like he had done anything wrong.

He lost the throne, but he gained something more valuable.

The only regret is that he can't stand the people who follow him.

Thinking of this, the regent ordered people to treat all counselors and soldiers preferentially and not to let them feel cold.

Ming Di couldn't resist the regent and could not refuse the prince's kindness, so he gave up the idea of ​​traveling, "Then I will recover from my injuries first. If the injury can be better on the day when the prince sets out, I will go to the southwest with him. If... "

The regent told Ming Di not to think too much. People who are recovering from injuries should not worry about other things.

Ming Di was so moved that he promised to write down everything he had seen and learned during his travels that could be useful in controlling floods for the prince's reference.

The Prince Regent was so moved that his eyes turned red.

It’s really inappropriate for him to question his husband who is devoted to him!

Ming Di: I am loyal to the prince. That’s right. The prince is of the prince’s blood. Isn’t the loyal prince the loyal prince? [I am really a genius]

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