The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4065 I want to decide this throne (39)

The seventh prince choked again.

"No matter what he does, he doesn't believe that you are really obsessed with painting anyway, and he won't let you study and paint with peace of mind." The third prince has already seen clearly that he just wants to tease them and make them worse than dogs and pigs. alive.

Looking at the increasingly dark sky, the third prince sighed, "After so many years, I have clearly seen their mother and son."

The seventh prince fell silent again.

In fact, he just wants to have a quiet world where he can read and paint quietly, but this is a luxury.

Growing up, others said Ruan Tang was a playboy and the third brother was worse than Ruan Tang, but every time he was bullied, it was these two people who defended him.

He was also used to listening to them.

There was originally a palace with a large lake. The water was running water coming down from the mountains. The scenery was very good and it was very suitable for fishing. The seventh prince suggested going there.

Ruan Tang said, "The people there are like the dogs in the palace. They jump on the hook as soon as they see it, and there is no sense of accomplishment." Everyone came to the river outside the city.

The sky was a little darker than before, and Ji Yao was a little worried, "Ning'er, it looks like it's going to rain. Should we go back first?"

Ruan Tang: "No, it's raining. The fish can't stay in the water and have to run out for air. It's time to catch some more and bring them back to my mother-in-law, my aunt, Aunt Ning, Aunt Liao and all the other beauties." Give some away.”

Bai Xiaosheng said with a puff, "I accept the kindness, but don't give it to my mother. My mother likes you the most. Last time you gave her a deer, she didn't let the people in the kitchen interfere. She had to do it herself, which hurt her. My father and I had to eat venison for half a month."

That past was so cruel that he couldn't bear to look back.

Ruan Tang gave him a look that said, "I remember what you said. Next time I go to your house, I will definitely ask her how to make my superior venison." It’s a hard thing to swallow.”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaosheng was about to cry.

Even though his father is the Minister of Punishment, you might think that his father is very good at criminal law. In fact, the person in the family who knows the most about punishment is his mother.

If the mother is unhappy, the father and son will not be able to live in peace.

Ruan Tang sat on the mat that the guard had just laid out, watching Ming Ran playing with the fishing gear intently. Bai Xiaosheng knelt on the grass beside him, sobbing and telling him how difficult it was.

The others laughed endlessly.

"They went outside the city?"

One person knelt on the ground, lowered his head and replied: "Yes, it looks like he went fishing."

His Majesty asked them to keep an eye on the Crown Prince, but the people around the Crown Prince were also very skilled. They were all trained as secret guards and went through the same assessment process. They almost knew each other's details.

As long as those guards are there, they can't get close to the prince.

What's more, the prince himself is very good at martial arts, not to mention he has a group of friends who can help him. without

The person in the high position was drinking tea. He held the tea lid in his right hand and touched it to the tea cup. It made a crisp sound every now and then, which also made the hearts of other people in the hall jump.

His Majesty asked the Crown Prince to go over, but the Crown Prince said he couldn't move because he was still injured, so he disobeyed the order.

He turned around and went outside the city with the others, making it clear that he did not want to see His Majesty.

One can imagine how angry His Majesty was.

But Ruan Yuntian did not get angry, but asked calmly: "You said the third brother and the seventh brother also went?"

Secret guard: "Yes."

Ruan Yuntian squeezed the armrest tightly, and a sinister look flashed in his eyes.

Okay, that's really good.

They were so presumptuous and blatantly opposed to him just after the regent left. Did they really think that he was where he was today because of the regent?

He wanted to see how many lives these people had to dare to go against him!

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