The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4105 I want to decide this throne (79)

After seeing Chang Yu, the Princess Regent did not set off immediately, but sat quietly in the room for a while.

"Second Miss?" Mother Han patted her arm, indicating that it was time for her to set off.

Princess: "Mommy, what do you think Ning'er wants to do?"

Aunt Han saw it very clearly. She smiled and said: "No matter what the prince wants to do, it will always be good for the prince and us. To be honest, I look at the prince's smile in the past few months, which is much better than before." Even though we have many years, no matter what we do, the most important thing is to make the prince happy."

The princess's nose felt sour, and she felt deep regret in her heart.

If she had not fallen in love with the great hero Ruan Zhong and not married the regent, her children would not have been depressed for so many years.

"It's time to set off, the eldest lady is still waiting for us." Mother Han helped the princess get up.

The Regent's Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace are not far apart. Chang Yu asked Chang Feng to help bring a message to the Prime Minister's Palace. I'm afraid the eldest lady is already waiting for them.

Not long after they walked out of the palace, they saw the carriage of the Prime Minister's Palace. The princess and the Prime Minister's wife said hello through the window and went to the Shi family together.

Outsiders only knew that one of the two girls of the Shi family became a princess and the other became the prime minister's wife. They thought this was a great honor, but they didn't know what the price of this honor was.

After successfully delivering the person to Shi's house, Chang Yu immediately returned to the teahouse.

"Didn't the concubine say anything?" Ruan Tang asked while chewing melon seeds.

Chang Yu shook his head, thought for a while, and then said: "The princess didn't say anything, but Mother Han did. She said that the prince can do whatever he wants."

The expressions of Su Heng and Bai Xiaosheng changed slightly. It seemed that the princess had also noticed the changes in Ruan Tang.

"What about great-grandfather?"

Chang Yu: "My subordinates have not seen the old master. It was Master Shi who told his subordinates. Like Aunt Han, Master Shi said that no matter what the prince does, the Shi family will stand by his side. He also said that the old master As he gets older and is in poor health, he needs people to take care of him at all times. The princess and Mrs. Ji are the old lady's most beloved children, so he cannot leave the Shi family until the old lady is healthy. He will personally talk to the prince and the prime minister. Tell me the reason."

It was clear that the Crown Prince had not told anything to the Shi family, not even handed over a letter, but Master Shi actually knew what the Crown Prince was going to do, and even found a way to keep the two ladies in the Shi family.

This brain works so fast that he can't catch up even on a horse.

Ruan Tang: "I understand, please arrange some people to protect the safety of the Shi family."

Chang Yu retreated again.

Not long after he left, Changfeng and Ji Yao came.

The corners of Ji Yao's mouth were red and swollen, as if blood had flowed out, and there were some bruises on his face. He kept his head down after entering the door and refused to look at anyone.

Ruan Tang guessed what happened after just one glance, and immediately turned cold, "Did he hit you?"

Su Heng and Bai Xiaosheng also immediately looked at Ji Yao. Bai Xiaosheng stood up and walked to Ji Yao to take a closer look. His sleeves were rolled up and there were bruises on his arms. Although the flesh was not open, there was blood stasis. Looking at it, Very serious.

Looking at his back again, Bai Xiaosheng took a breath of air.

"Did he beat you with a whip?" Those injuries were clearly caused by a whip.

Bai Xiaosheng also looked very ugly, "He is a civil servant, but his methods are comparable to the punishments used by the Ministry of Punishment to treat serious criminals..."

Obviously, in the eyes of the Prime Minister, Ji Yao may not be as important to the Ministry of Punishment as a serious criminal.

After all, serious criminals are useful to the Ministry of Punishments in solving cases.

And Ji Yao is just a product that should not have been born.


Ho ho ho, knock down the prime minister dog!

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